Chapter 1

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Yvonne was on her bed, laying on her side. She had her closed palms together placed between the pillow and her face and she looked distressed. From the lightning that occasionally flashed through window curtains, she knew that there was an impending rain. Her eyes moved to settle on the bedside clock which read 3:27 a.m. in green light. Why was Yvonne awake? One ultimate reason. She was horny and yes, she was married too, so satisfying her sexual urge was not supposed to be a problem but in her marriage, it was one of her biggest problems.

Yvonne has been married for seven years but had no child to show for it. Not because she was infertile but simply because her husband simply didn't want one with her. She could still remember the first day she had told him that they were having a baby and instead of the happy reaction she had expected, all she had gotten was a cold look and then an order to terminate the pregnancy. Ever since then, Yvonne had terminated three more pregnancies without letting her husband know since he had made it very clear to her that he didn't want her to be the mother of his children- those words had cut Yvonne deep and she still couldn't heal from them.

Yvonne Isaac was a 33 years old lecturer in one of the prestigious universities in Nigeria where she not only the Head of the English and Literary Department but also taught Literature. Yvonne was a reserved woman but was strict. She she knew most people did not like her, especially her undergraduate students but that didn't bother her because she didn't care what anyone thought about her. She was very harsh and strict that she was feared more than she was respected. She had given many students an 'F' for one offence or the other in the two courses she took, and she did not only do this because she had the power to, she did this due to transferred aggression from her unhappy marriage. She was angry that she had to teach other women's children when God had given her a cold-hearted husband who had forbidden her from having any of hers.

Yvonne was not only frustrated and depressed from not having any children, she was incredibly lonely and sad. Her life was miserable but she hid all her pains well so that no one could break through the walls she had set up as a fortress around her. She had lost count of how many times she would pull over to the shoulder of the road and cry her eyes out on the steering of her car, and when she had lessened a little weight of her sadness, she would simply dry her tears, put on a bold face again, slip on her glasses and continue her journey like she had not just had an emotional breakdown.

Why was Yvonne in a loveless marriage? It was never like this from the beginning. Her husband used to look at her in such an adorable way that made her heart swell. He used to desire her so much, but now, he was cold and mostly indifferent towards her. Even though it had been an arranged marriage between their parents, she had made up her mind that she was going to try her best to be submissive, loving and loyal towards him but nothing she ever said or did was ever enough for him to be kind towards her. He had completely changed after the unfortunate incident that had happened during their honeymoon; which however was not her fault but his. Although, her husband had not divorced her, but from all what she was going through in her marriage, she would have preferred a divorce to his cold attitude towards her.

He hardly touched her and never made the first move at sex. She was the one who engaged their sex and she was also the one who had to get fuck herself on his dick; that's if she was even lucky to be obliged in the first place. Frustrated, Yvonne had ordered for a dildo online but no matter how much she masturbated, it could never measure up to the warm kisses and the caressing touch of a man. There was an incredible way a dick flowing with warm blood felt in the vagina compared to a lifeless dildo. Yvonne had even considered cheating on her husband but she had never been bold enough to go through with it because of she didn't want to hurt his feelings or be tagged a slut, so she had had no choice than to discard the vile thought as quickly as it had come.

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