Chapter Fifteen

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I awoke the next morning - or later that same morning, depending on how you look at it - about the same time Slendy did. "Good morning," he smiled and kissed me.

I giggled. "Morning to you too." I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to put my contacts in and brush my hair. I came back in as Slendy was fastening the last button on his jacket.

"Do you ever wear anything other than a suit?" I idly wondered aloud.

He looked at me funny. "Why would I want to? Suits are nice," he said.

I started digging through my closet. "What should I wear? Is this family thing formal or are jeans okay?" I asked him over my shoulder.

"You'd look great in anything," he replied.

"That doesn't help me much," I complained.

"Wear whatever you want," he said.

I decided on my purple sweater dress and knee high black boots. I grabbed some black leggings from my drawer and went back into the bathroom to change. I put my hair up in a bun and put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara.

"How's this?" I asked when I walked back in the room.

Slendy appraised my for a moment, perhaps a bit longer than necessary. He cleared his throat. "You look, um... Hot."

I blushed. "Um, thank you," I mumbled. "Would you like some breakfast before we go? I think there's a box of pancake mix in pantry down stairs."

"And your parents and brother won't have a problem with the Slender man hanging around their kitchen?" he asked, raising his brow.

"They're not home," I assured him. "Mom and Dad are both off on business trips and Charlie's at a friend's house."

"Alright then, pancakes sound great," he said, and followed me down to the kitchen.

I paused at the bottom of the stairs and turned to him, a thought striking me. "You can eat human food, right?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Yes little one, I can eat human food."

I sighed in relief. "Good, cause we have a shortage of small children this morning."

I sensed him roll his eyes. "Go make the pancakes," he said.

I could feel him watch me as I cooked, but I didn't mind. It was strange to say, but I'd actually grown accustomed to the feeling of being watched over the past month and a half. When I was finished I set Slendy's plate down in front of him and sat down across the table from him with my own. We ate in silence, and when we were done I washed the dishes and put them away. "You ready to go?" I asked, grabbing my jacket.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he groaned. Taking my hand, he transported us to his house.

"What time are they arriving?" I asked as he opened the front door.

"Little borther!" Someone exclaimed and threw themselves at the Tall One. I quickly stepped aside as Slendy threw the person off of him and hissed.

"They're already here," he answered me in a dead voice.

The person who Slendy had just thrown to the ground stood up. He was extremely tall - about eight foot it seemed - and he wore a black suit with different colored polka dots and a red bow tie. There was a top hat on his head and a large grin plastered on his face. "It's so good to see you again brother!" exclaimed the Splendor man as he tried again to hug his younger brother.

"For the love of God, Splendor, get off of me!" Slendy yelled. I tried to repress a giggle. He grabbed my hand and shoved Splendy aside so we could actually make it into the house.

"Oh Sleeeendeeeer!" another voice trilled once we stepped inside.

"Shit," Slendy said, and I was surprised to hear him swear, this only being the second time I'd ever heard him do so. He let go of my hand to shove the tall faceless man in dark jeans and a brown sweater over a white dress shirt off of him. "Don't make me hurt you Trender," he threatened his eldest brother menacingly.

Trender man stepped back and took in the sight if his brother. "Oh Lordy, you're still wearing that God awful suit? Slender, you soooo need help with your wardrobe," he scolded. Slendy face palmed.

Then Splendy seemed to notice me for the first time. "Oooh Slendy, who's this? Your newest proxy?" he asked, crouching to look at me.

"Lovely fashion senses! Just look at that sweater dress. And those boots! Fabulous darling," Trender said, also stooping to get a good look at me.

"No, she's not a proxy, she's um..." Slendy looked around frantically as if looking for an escape.

"Oh. My. God," Trender man said, pronouncing each word individually. "She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"

Splendy squealed. "Yay! Slendy's finally got a girlfriend! Oh, I thought this day would never come!" he cried and threw himself at the Slender man again.

Slendy yelled and grabbed Splendy with his tentacles, pulling him off of him. "No she's not my girlfriend!" he growled. "Not officially."

"Not 'officially,'" said Trender, making air quotations with his long fingers. Slendy started beating his head against the wall.

During all of this I just stood there watching all the chaos unfold. I had never seen Slendy loose his cool quite like this. Part of me wanted to be scared and the other part wanted to laugh my head off.

"You got a name boo?" Trendy asked.

"Um, Sky. Sky Steele," I said.

"What a pretty name!" said Splendor man.

"Thanks," I said blushing a little.

"Everything about you is pretty! Your name, your eyes, your face, your clothes. You're such a brave girl for dating my grouch of a brother," he said and I blushed even harder.

"WE'RE NOT DATING!" Slendor man roared.

"'Officially,'" said Trendy again with air quotations. "So tell me Sky," he said, leading me over to the couch and siting me down. He sat next to me and leaned forward anticipating the answer to whatever he was about to ask. "How long have you and my brother been together? Give me the details girl!"

"Trender I'm going to murder you," Slendy threatened.

His brother ignored him. "Have y'all kissed yet? Oh! How is he in bed?" I blushed furiously and my mouth gaped open, sputtering garbled nonsense.

The Slender man launched himself at Trender, wrapping his tentacles around his neck and knocking him to the ground. Trendy sprouted tentacles too and the two wrestled on the floor while Splendy stood over them, trying to break it up.

'Oh geez Sky, what have you gotten yourself into?' I wondered.

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