Chapter 23

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Ava's POV

The look that he cast my way was enough to make me blush and look away, my previous confidence slowly evaporating from just looking in his eyes. There were so many emotions running through his eyes that made me overwhelmed and unable to keep eye contact.

On one hand I was terrified of what I was about to do later on tonight, but on the other hand I was happy to know that I could elicit such a reaction from him.

"Would you like to, um, take a seat?" he asked clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck. I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was from that simple gesture.

"Ye-yeah" I stuttered and cleared my throat as a way to ease the awkward tension in the air.

He led me to my awaiting seat at the table and I sat down. The table was covered with a white table cloth and decorated with a few rose petals, with just a single rose in a vase in the middle. There were two place settings at the table, obviously.

The yacht was lit up with fairy lights which gave the place a magical feeling. It truly was a magical night. I felt like a princess having dinner with her prince charming, my prince charming.

A broad smile graced my face as I looked across the table and stared into the eyes of the most beautiful being I have ever encountered. He returned the smile with a charming one of his own. I felt like a giddy school girl, who finally got her crush to notice her.

I fiddled with my fingers in my lap, not sure what to do. This was my first date ever, and I was a nervous wreck wearing a brave face.

"Relax" Jayden said with a soft smile.

I relaxed a little, but was still a bit tense. I was still freaking out on the inside, fearful that I would say or do something wrong.

"Hey. Look at me" he commanded and I did.

"Just breathe, don't overthink it" he smiled.

I did as I was told, and in just a matter of seconds I felt a little less nervous. I gave him a reassuring smile and he reached forward and held my cold hands in his warm ones.

"Are you cold?" he asked with concerned.

"N-" before I could finish, he already got up and disappeared.

He came back not a minute later, with a jacket in hand and a waiter trailing behind him with a tray. He came up behind me and placed the jacket over my shoulders.

"Thank you" I said craning my neck to look up at him.

"Anything for you" he smiled and pecked my lips.

This was the most I have ever seen him smile. He always wore a straight face, not giving away anything. But here he was with me, grinning from ear to ear, and I couldn't help but think that I was the reason why he was so happy. I made him happy and that made me happy.

"Dinner is served" the waiter announced and placed two plates of food and two glasses of champagne on the table. He left just as quickly as he came.

On our plates was creamy steak fettuccine. My mouth watered at the sight and the sweet aroma that wafted into my nostrils. I was more than ready to begin; I didn't wait for Jayden as I took my first bite and moaned at the delicious taste that assaulted my taste buds.

A throat cleared before me, and I couldn't help the blush that coated my cheeks. That must have sounded so wrong to anyone's ears and I was truly embarrassed, but I couldn't help it because it was just so good.

"Sorry" I apologized looking down at my meal.

"No need for apologies, I just thought that I was the only person that'd make you moan like that" he said with a devilish smirk.

If you think my cheeks were red before, that was an understatement. After his statement I could have sworn that my face was on fire.

No one has ever spoken to me so open like. I wasn't an idiot, I knew he was hinting at sex and that was enough for my face to redden like a tomato.

Not bothering to reply, I enjoyed the rest of my meal quietly, avoiding any form of eye contact with him. It seemed like he was enjoying my discomfort a little bit too much as he would chuckle from time to time.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he said with a teasing smile, not looking the least bit remorseful.



My heart skipped a beat at the endearment. It was the first time that he has ever referred to me as something else apart from my name. The butterflies in my stomach erupted from his use of the endearment.

Something awakened inside me, like a thirst that needed to be quenched. Instead of shying away from Jayden, I took a bold step and replied to his previous statement.

There was a piece of steak on my plate. I took it up with my fork slowly and placed it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and moaned, savoring the last bite. I knew I had Jayden's full attention, and that was all the encouragement I needed.

He cleared his throat and I opened my eyes slowly to peer over at him.

"What?" I asked, acting oblivious.

"Would you like dessert?" he asked.

"Yes" I whispered seductively and got up off my chair.


*chuckles nervously*

Thanks for reading. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Just want to say a quick THANK YOU, to everyone who gave this book a chance.

I love you all❤️

PS. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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