Part 21

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The sun is finally setting behind the mountain where Sam is heading. Trees are everywhere. Soon darkness will loom the whole place leaving her no choice but to retire from her little journey to freedom. The thought of danger on  an area away from any Pack  came to mind. She felt fear and regret slowly making it's way to her sense. She can't go back now. She lift her gaze to the orange sky, she has to find a safer place to spend the night.

She place the wood she gather on the spot she chose to spend the night and  surrounded it by rocks  so she won't worry about fire getting out of control and burning her if she fell asleep. She took the match on her bag and it took her a while to make a fire. It was an old match she had before she was brought back to the Crescent Wolf Pack. Good thing it still able to do it's job.

She look at her surrounding and sniff the air again and felt relieve than no one seems to be around or know the place. She lean her back on a big stone and stretch her legs in front of her. It was a long walk from the road. She told Caleb someone might go look  for her so it's best she go to other place . He pointed to the West and told her there's a Pack behind the mountain. She'll be safe there and they will accept her . The Moon Shine Pack are known to be harmonious people. She doesn't smell like a Rogue and that will make them trust her. She's not planning to stay there anyway. Just buying time to make another plan . 

The scene before Caleb's car took her far from her old pack came back to her mind. Lloyd saw her in the car and she thought she was going to be caught and return.  Then he stop and run back heading to the West border. He must have changed his mind running after her. Anyway she has Jenny to keep him busy. She felt the pain crushing her heart. It is more unbearable now that she know they were mates. How could he sleep with another woman when he knows they were mates? It's not her fault she didn't feel the same earlier than he hope. If she knew she will never hurt him and pretend they're not mates. 

She fell asleep despite of the cold she felt. The fire did a little help but didn't kept her warm all night. She woke up when she heard a twig snap. She slowly lift her body and search the darkness around her. She's planning to run away from whoever it is. That's where she's good at. She can use the training she had too but she will only use it if needed. Who knows what's in there, a warrior or a tracker from Crescent Wolf Pack, or worst a Rogue. She shudder at the thought. Rogues are know for their crazy behavior. Who knows what it will do to her if it's a Rogue. She sniff the air and flinch when she caught the scent. Someone is definitely in the dark, to her relief it doesn't smell like a Rogue. But who could it be? He or  she doesn't smell familiar.

She slowly grab her things and before she made a step something appear in front of her. It was a tall muscular man with silver hair above his piercing blue ice. She jumped back hitting the rock behind her. She assess the man and her situation. She has to escape before it do anything to her. 

He look at her from head to toe, Sniff a little and smirked.The man straighten and relax before it speak. 

" What you doing here alone in the dark young woman?" He spoke softly.

"Ahh...just spending the night over. I will leave the sooner the sun show up tomorrow. "

He raised a brow. Keep watching her debating if he would believe her or not. But his eyes doesn't show any threat which made her sigh in relief. 

"You know you're asking for attention from that fire you did. The scent can reach a mile, making you a vulnerable prey to whoever it is out there. Good thing I came here first. What's your name?"


"Okay Samantha come with me, it's a lot safer where we camp than here."

She stood quietly. She was thinking if she could trust him or not.

"If you don't want to I'll leave you here. Just don't get yourself killed by vicious Rogues. "

"Rogues? "

He nodded. " This is neutral area. Nobody own this place so everybody can run from here but it doesn't guarantee your safety. No one would care if you get tangle with trouble."

"Are you heading somewhere near?"

"Yes, we are heading to the Moon Shine Pack."


"I have a companion with me, my mate. I left her to get more woods till I notice someone decided to build a campfire and get herself killed."

"Can I come with you?" She said. She has no other choice but to trust the man. She doesn't wanna know what will happen to her if she stay there alone.

He tilt his head motioning her to follow to the direction of his mate and walk in the dark. Sam follow him. They walk silently till they reach where a figure was sitting comfortably on a rock. She smile at him when she saw him. She frown when she notice her walking behind. 

"This is Sam, I saw her  alone near the entrance so I ask her to join us." She nodded not smiling.  When Sam came closer the woman stood up, frown and look at her intently. She gasp, wide eyed and cover her mouth in disbelief. This time it was Sam's turn to frown.

"You look exactly like her! Could it be?" The woman finally speak.


Sorry guys for late updates. We are having power interruption. Yesterday  fourteen hours straight no electricity, then after three hours it went out again. After an hour there will be another interruption. 

I hope you are enjoying the story. Tell me what you think of the characters. Keep safe everyone. Thank you.

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