Care Bear

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Alice Winter and her family used to live in a small town in Wisconsin. Her father was a farmer, and her mother worked at their family corner store. Quite often Alice would help both of them. Being only 7 however, there were few things she could do.

They were very poor, it was only by God's will that they still had their farm. Even though it was only a few small acres, it kept them a float.

Alice was too young to understand what was going on, she just thought her parents were being mean to her whenever she asked for things, because they always said no.

But one thing in particular set her blood on fire when they couldn't get it. A yellow Sunshine Care Bear. At her school, all the little girls that had money always shoved it in her face, and bullied her because she didn't have one.

She just wanted them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't unless she had one. She tried to ask her parents again, and again, but they still said no.

She was so mad. Why wouldn't they get her one. She helped, she did her chores, she ate her vegetables, why wouldn't they. She had an idea. If they wouldn't get her one, she would get one herself.

In her young mind, she thought that if she made flyers saying that if anyone had a yellow care bear, she would pay them 25¢, money that she had saved for months off the ground.

That day, she road with her mom to the store to help her at the store, she brought a sign that she crudely colored and drawer up at school, and hung it on an old nail on the electricity pole.

After a couple of minutes of her helping her mom, she went outside to see if anyone was reading it. In fact there was. A tall man around her dad's age. She trusted him automatically from his resemblance to her father.

"You made this little girl?" He smiled.

"Yes," she said.

"I think I might have one from my niece, she's a little too old for it now,"

"Oh mister, could I please have it,"

"Sure, let me go get it,"

The man went to his car, and like he promised, he gave her a yellow care bear, in fact, he gave her a red and a blue one too.

"Oh my gosh, thank you sir," she smiled.

"No problem,"

Alice pulled out the money she promised, but he refused to take it. He then walked away.

Alice didn't know, but the man was very sick, with cancer. He wanted to do something nice before he died, which he did later on that day. At his funeral, no one showed up, because his family had moved far a away, and left him. The only people that did, were the preacher and the men to take the coffin to the graveyard.

Just as the service was almost over, someone came in. It was Alice. She walked over to the coffin, and placed the one thing that she never thought she could give up. The yellow Sunshine Care Bear. Then she walked away.

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