Part 23

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"That's everything." Edwin said, watching as Vera looked over the documents in the folder. Everything. He was right. Tom had signed every last form, dotted his 'i's and crossed his 't's. Officially, the company was hers but she would never try to take it from him. She hadn't fully grasped the seriousness of his predicament when he finally told her how much it was that he was in for. 

She didn't know how it was that Tom got involved with those types of people, she wasn't even sure what type of people they were, but the more she thought it over, the more his words and actions made sense. Tom had been trying to spare her from the trouble he was in, and now it was her job to save the man she loved. Half a million dollars was a lot of money. Vera Reid had to recognize it. It took a certain amount of creativity to dispose of such a large sum, she had to move a few things around. Unfortunately, Vera was still a few months from having her trust fund fully released to her. 

Her parents had been quite clever in that, arranging so that the money was slowly dispersed to her and her siblings. She'd received a large sum when she turned 21, and has since then been receiving quarterly payments. When she turned 25, however; she would get the rest of it- a small, tidy fortune that would keep her living more than comfortably for her lifetime and the next.  

Being the most prudent of her sisters, and the most sensible, Vera had placed most of the money her parents had given her so far into savings and investment accounts. The money usually only spent a couple of days in her bank account before it was wired and moved around as was most convenient. Vera needed for nothing, she lived at home and her only bills were paid from the salary she was earning as an attorney from her parents. She did well but she did not have half a million to move so swiftly. It had taken a few calls, and a loan from the bank to get the money. She wasn't worried, neither was her bank, after all the money existed, it was just not easy to get. 

"It is." She finally repeated, turning to look at Edwin. Tom was embarrassed, he was having a hard time with this. She knew that this was an uncomfortable thing for him, knew that it couldn't and wouldn't be easy and so she didn't blame him for doing everything through Edwin. Other than a couple of messages, he'd hardly spoken to her. It would take time but she was more than certain that things would get back to normal. "I completed the wire a couple of days ago, he should be seeing it by now."

Edwin nodded. 

"He's making arrangements as we speak." Edwin said, thinking about the meeting that Tom told him he was arranging. Hopefully, it would be the last time Tom would ever had to cross paths with these men. 

"Good, I know we all want this to be over." Vera said. She hadn't seen him since Christmas day and when she'd tried to kiss him then he'd only allowed himself to graze her cheek. He needed time, she told herself. He just needed time. But he loved her. He loved her and that was more than enough to give her all the patience she would ever need. 

"You're saving his life." Edwin said, "I can't thank you enough."

"So don't. He'd do if for me." She said with a smile. The last thing she wanted was gratitude. "I would rather not speak of this again. We can pretend it never happened, just let him handle it as he needs to. I don't want this to be something that stands between us."

"It's going to be hard but I know he cares for you. He needs time." Edwin said, "When this nasty business is over, you two can pick up where you left off." 

Vera hoped it wouldn't be too long but she continued to smile nonetheless. 

"Thank you." She said now, admiring his loyalty. "I..."

Vera and Edwin both turned at the sound of people running around the office. She stood and walked over to her door, pulling it open. Most of the staff was still sitting, while others were rising and moving to the windows on the far end. 

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora