20. All we know

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A/n: The new update is here guys. Hope you all like it. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


Game night in our college was a really big deal. The whole place was buzzing with excitement and the mascot 'a bull' was put up almost everywhere.

Lily and June came to our room at around 4, and the game was to begin at 6. Chace and Oli were joining us, being the only basketball players in our group. After contemplating on what to wear, I decided on a white crop top and black skinny jeans. I wore my grey beanie and a pair of Jordans that Jay gifted me. I grabbed my jean jacket and took one last look at the jersey he gave me.


"Hmm?" I asked, lying on his back. We were currently in his room and while he was watching a movie, I was trying to sleep. On top of him just was more comfortable.

"The game's in a month," I could hear his muffled voice.


"I don't want to pressurize you or anything, but I would love it if you wore my jersey."

I immediately got off his back, all sleep gone. My eyes widened as I looked into his.

"Are you sure?" I nervously asked, biting my bottom lip.

"More than anything in this world," he laughed.

"Yes! I would love to," I pounced on him, kissing him like my life depended on it.

Putting me down, he walked towards his cupboard and took out his jersey and gave it to me. I put it on and saw that it came till my thigh. Inhaling deeply, I realized that it smelled just like him. His musky smell. It was perfect and so comfortable.

"I love it," I squealed, jumping up and down.

"You look gorgeous in my shirts, I like them on you," he answered with a smirk, eyeing me up and down.

I batted my eyelashes and walked backward toward the bed.

"Oh ya? How much?" I asked unabashedly. He brings out my wild side.

"Oh, I'll show you," he walked towards me like a prey hunting and removed his shirt in a go.

"Catch me if you can," I yelled and ran all around the room, with him hot on my trail. As I was about to make my way towards the door, he caught me by my waist and pushed me on the bed.

"I'm sorry. Don't do it, Nate. I promise I won't do it again," I said, trying my luck, well aware of what was going to happen.

"Too late, Sweetheart," he yelled and began tickling me.

"Aaahhh, stop. I'm sorry," I laughed, in between his tickles, trying to squirm away from him.

"Say that I'm the most handsome guy in the world," he said, almost sitting on me.

"NEVER!" I laughed, trying to escape.

"What the hell are you guys up to?" Zach entered the room confused, probably because of the noise.

We both stopped and looked at the intruder, and I saw Nate and Zach have a telepathic conversation, before both their faces spread into a grin. Oh shit.

"Oh hell no. Zach, don't do this. You're my favorite guy, and Izz won't forgive you," I said, in a feeble attempt to threaten him.

"You're cute, Zo. But that's not how threats work," he said, before stalking towards us.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now