11. A visit

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Percy thad expected another nightmare.

Instead it was a dream where he was standing in Hogwarts, it was quiet. He noticed someone stepping forward from the shadows. Percy didn't feel the need to draw riptide wich was unusual.

A woman stepped forwards with dark hair touching her shoulders. Her green eyes seemed to be glowing under the light of the torch she carried.
Percy realized who she was.

He bowed for Hecate, the goddess of Magic.

"Perseus. I have to admit that this is a rather... interesting turn of events." Hecate says.

"You could say that.." Percy said.

"I always had a feeling about you, Perseus. But I always assumed it was because of your father. That it was just because you are naturally a powerful demigod. But now I know.. you have even more power than we realized. Zeus was not happy to say the least." She says.

Percy said nothing.

"There are evil and dark wizards out there." She continued "Your grandfather for one. He is getting stronger with the day. All because the ministry is in denial. They don't believe that Harry Potter is telling the truth.." She says looking sadly.

"Why did you keep all this a secret? Why not let the others know about the wizards. We could've helped." Percy dared to ask. She looked up.

"Because if the other gods knew about this world.. then children like you would be born. They would be capable of magic and be half gods. It would be a dangerous thing. I am just glad that it happened to you and not someone like Voldemort. That would have been disastrous.." She explained.

"... Thanks.." Percy said, not sure about how to feel about what she just said.

"But I believe that you can help the wizards. Maybe.. you are powerful. You can help. Help them stop Voldemort. Or at least weaken him." She says almost pleading. "He has brought so much death and darkness into their world. Destroyed so much.. please."

"I can try. I will do whatever I can to help them." Percy prommised.

"And I thank you for that. And to show you my gratitude Perseus Jackson, I give you my blessing."

Percy bowed his head as a thank you.

"Usually I don't do this. But these are dark times. I have granted your father some power here in the area." She says. "You can pray to me if you need anything or if you have an urgent message for the gods. But remember I am not a messenger." She warned Percy looking at him dangerously.

"Thank you. For everything." Percy said grateful.
He was really glad Hecate wasn't mad at him for being here. And being a wizard.
Not that he could have changed the situation anyway.

"Can I ask you for some advice?" Percy asked her.
She gave a little nod. "They don't know about my Greek side. Would it be a bad thing if they knew? I really don't like lying to them. And besides, it could help them."

"It would be wise to keep it silent. Try to avoid the subject. For now at least. Try to get used to your new life. I know it's hard. But it is safer this way." She told him. "You never know who is listening and hiding in de shadows."

Percy nodded and bowed his head again. He needed her to like him. She was the only goddess here. Besides his father from time to time.

"One last question, won't I bring these people in danger? What if a monster attacks? I don't want them to get hurt because of me." Percy asked.

"Monsters are less common here then back home. Yet, I have noticed some increase. You need to keep your eyes open. But don't worry about it too much. Protective spells have been placed all over." She says.

Percy nodded. He hoped she was right.

"I have to go. But I will keep an eye out for you. I believe you might be the one that puts everything in order. But be careful."

"Thank you, for everything." Percy said gratefully.

Hecate smiled and nodded.
"I can see why they put you in Gryffindor. But Hufflepuf would have been better in my opinion. It's one of my favorite houses." She winked and disappeared into the shadows.

Percy's vision went black and he woke up for a second. Only to fall back a restless sleep, filled with nightmares.

The next morning he was woken by a nightmare.
He reached out for his wise girl. But the bed was empty next to him. Percy was confused for a couple seconds about where he was.
Hogwarts. He told himself. You are at Hogwarts.

He looked around and the others were still sleeping.
Percy lay back down. He tought about the visit in his dream.

Hecate asked him for his help..
And he would. He couldn't turn his back on them.
Not when he could help them.

Myth and magicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora