21/Under The Stars

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Ushiwaka had a game in Tokyo and he asked that I go with them. I agreed and helped out the team manager during the trip.

On our last day at the hotel, the guys were allowed to do whatever they want. The team decided to go out and celebrate their victory and they dragged Ushiwaka along. I told them I didn't want to drink and go out but I thanked them for the offer.

I stayed in our hotel room and just relaxed. I was amazed by Ushiwaka. He's so stern and apathetic yet as soon as he's around me he becomes a big softy.

He works hard. Honestly I'm surprised I've been able to keep up with him all these years. I figured that after highschool, we'd break up so we could go on with our lives but he proved me wrong. I never got in the way of his dreams. I have stayed right there with him. I've gone to his games and helped him diet, exercise, and keep his health up.

As I was laying down in our bed, I heard the door open. I didn't want to move because I was comfy so I was staring at the wall.

You: You're back early.

Eita: Hey [y/n].

I sat up and saw the guys standing there. I was beyond confused. Eita, Tendo, Hayato, Jin, Reon, all of them were here.

You: Why are y'all here?

Tendo: We don't even get hugs for surprising you~

You: I'm comfy. I ain't moving.

Eita: Fair enough.

Reon: So where's Ushiwaka?

You: The team is making him celebrate with them. Meaning I get to deal with drunk Ushiwaka when they get back.

Shirabu: Do you want help?

You: He falls asleep after I give him some water and aspirin. Then I just take care of him throughout the night. Not that hard.

Tendo: She's such a mom.

Taichi: Indeed.

Eita: Have you guys ever thought about that?

You: Thought about what?

Eita: Kids.

You: Hell no.

Reon: She gave that answer to fast.

Jin: Why don't you want kids?

You: Neither of us seem ready to have kids yet. I want him to play volleyball as long as possible and not have to worry about a family at home.

Hayato: So what I'm hearing is, you aren't having kids till Ushiwaka wants them but even if he did you'd say no because you don't want him to worry about you and a baby back home?

You: Basically.

Goshiki: Well that's nice of you.

You: It's just common sense. If he's always worried about me, imagine him worrying about me if I was pregnant. He wouldn't let me leave his sight.

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