ఌ Kirishima ఌ (7)

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<•> Izuku POV <•>

🄰fter going through some quite simple tests with recovery girl I went to the common room as asked. Recovery girl was trailing behind me and monitoring everything I did.

When I got in the room everyone looked at me in a weird way then smiled. Kirishima and Kaminari were playing cards with Sero and Mina.

Ochaco, and Tsu were doing each others hair with Momo and Jirou. Katsuki was no where to be seen along with the rest of the class who seemed to be missing.

I walked over sitting on the empty couch all eyes on me. I blinked back a few tears then looked up at Kirishima.

"H-Hey...K-Kirishima-Kun....." I mumbled.

"Hey Midoriya! How are you feeling" He asked softly putting down his cards.

"I'm..fine I-I just wanted to know..." I put my hand on my head and closed my eyes for a second before opening them again  and looking at him.

"C-Can you tell me exactly what happened after I told you to save Katsuki..." I mumbled. He looked at Recovery Girl then the girls. The girls got up and left along with Mina and Sero.

Kirishima and Kami put away the cards before sitting straighter and looking at me.

"Well you see...after you were fighting that villain and told me to close the bunker door..."

<•> Kirishima POV <•>

Izuku took Mohoro from me and told me to get Katsuki. I looked around spotting him and nodded running to him.

I grabbed his arm helping him up and putting his arm around my shoulder-which wasn't easy since he was complaining and yelling.

"Why did he send an idiot like you!" Katsuki growled from beside me. I sighed and flicked his fore head.

"Just be qu-"

The ground started to shake so I held on tighter to him and looked behind up. A villain about three times larger then us, was coming right our way.

I panicked for a second before I saw the green electricity- the same trick I wanted to see the night before. I knew it was Izuku- he shouted at me so I hurried.


"This isn't the time Bakugo!" I hissed at him watching Izuku confuse the giant beast using the leftover electricity that formed around him.

"CLOSE IT!" I heard him yell. I shook my head along with Katsuki who was shaking beside me.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" He yelled again and this time it sounded urgent. I sighed and did the first thing my head told me to do. I shoved Katsuki back inside and closed the door behind me-locking it for good.

Katsuki immediately started to chase a tantrum and yell at all of us, even the kids couldn't stop him but what could we do.

I got a phone call- which shut Katsuki up- ten minutes later from Eraser Head.

"It's Midoriya, he's okay he's heading to you right now, I'll be there in a few with some other hero's stay put" He said and hang up.

I sighed out of relief then shoved Katsuki down the small corridor towards the bunk beds. He started to punch me but I dodged them easily. He looked pisssed..

"Cmon bro you need to heal that ankle of yours!" I said and he shut up looking away and sat on the bed.

I sighed and went back to where Ochaco was with the kids and entertained them waiting for Aizawa and Izuku.


"What do you mean he never came?" Aizawa looked at me confused.

"He never came, I opened the match and waited but Midoriya never showed up" I said looking down.

"T-Then where is he?" Ochaco asked exactly what everyone was wondering.

"We need to find him right now- he could've been captured" Aizawa said and left without another word.


"He'll be rescued in two hours"

We were all sitting at a conference table in some guys agency. After we were told Izuku was kidnapped by the LOV, police, pro's , everyone went in search of him.

After they got his location they set up and easy play to retrieve him, it didn't matter how they did it, they just had to be quick.

It had been 7 days since the attack at the camp in the forest. One that class 1-A had went on with the Pussycats as a little vacation.

It had been a week since Izuku was kidnapped, everyone was on edge and always alert but most of all everyone was wondering what happened to him.

And that's why they were going to get him in two hours. I was assigned with the role of "Keeping Katsuki Calm" which was literally mission impossible.

Since Izuku had been kidnapped he had been quiet, and when he got mad it would become destructive. He didn't listen to anyone and it took a lot of coaxing for him to follow along.

Especially with the plan and Izuku and all- he got mad at everyone and seemed pissed about the situation. Nonetheless he would be retrieved.

None of us expected for him to turn out purple though.

After they blasted an opening from the semi- tall abandoned building they were told that Izuku jumped out instantly and started to fall. Aizawa caught him but he was unconscious.

He stayed like that for 5 days at recovery girls office where everything would be monitored about his health.

And that's when we heard the news. Izuku has changed not just looks wise, he was injected with an unidentifiable substance.

And it made him "a monster". They told us he changed and not to come close to him. But he looked fine. As I sat inform of him and explained this all to him- he nodded just like nothing was wrong.

He looked fine, seemed fine it's like nothing changed. Like nothing was wrong.

But we were all wrong

-Izuku ;(

"Silence is a terrifying torture"- unknown

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