(2) Meet n Greet

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Year: 2025 (The Future)

Everything seems so different yet still the same after all these years. Racing through the city towards his destination he takes notice of all the things that have changed and that still stayed the same. He slides to a halt as he stares up at the iconic building before him - STAR Labs. He can't help chuckle under his breath as the wise words of Cisco rings in his ears.

'Be careful and don't trip over your own feet. We don't need you stumbling twenty years into the future'

Now here he is, eight into the future instead of just the one he promised his friends. His first thoughts fill with what Caitlin would say if she knew of his predicament. He is sure after an earful of her disapproval and frustration with his mistake she would end up caving with concern. Oh, how he wishes you could see his Caitlin right now. He softly smiles then flashes into the building. 

"Hello?" he speaks out from the elevator. 

The sound of beeping echoing into the hallway raises concern as he runs into the cortex. A blue vortex closes and a shocked, older Cisco looks over his shoulder to face him. 

"Wha- What? How? Ba- Barry?" he breathes, fully turning to face him and not finding the right words to say.

Barry slightly chuckles, "Good to see you are still the same Cisco."

His long-haired friend shakes his head and replaces his shocked expression with the widest smile he has ever seen. "Dude! What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back for a few days," he laughs pulling him into a brotherly hug.

"Wait, what?" Barry chuckles, pulling away to look at his friend. "Cisco I'm-"

"Home early. I can see that. You just couldn't take a few days off, could you?" he smirks with a short laugh. "I told you, you could trust me with the superhero stuff. There haven't been any major meta alerts, I promise," he cheekily smiles, holding up two fingers while his other hand lays over his heart. "Scout's honor," he chuckles.

Barry chuckles along with him while shaking his head. "No dude, I'm not your Barry. I'm from the past - 2017 to be exact," he nervously admits, rubbing his shoulder. Watching his friend's expression change yet again - giving him the confirmation that older Cisco is not happy.

"Barry!" he groans. "What are you doing here? Why are you here?!?"

A heavy sigh leaves his lips, slightly hanging his head. "It was a mistake. I was only trying to get to 2018 but something happened and I tripped over and landed here... in 2025." He looks back up at his friend with a reaction.

Cisco shakes his head in disappointment. "I remember that day when you left after we told you it was not a good idea."

"I know! It wasn't even my fault! There was this strange pain coursing through me and the next thing I know, bam. Stuck here," Barry explains pacing and talking with his hands. 

A slight eye roll and heavy sigh are his friend's reply. He sits down at the console pulling up Barry's current reading from his suit. Barry glances in the direction of Caitlin's lab to see the lights off and no sign of her. He looks back to Cisco and can't help but ask about her whereabouts. He notices how Cisco's posture stiffens and he swallows some built up salvia before looking over at him.

"She's gone for the day. Personal matter. With you supposedly out of town, she didn't see the need to be at the lab today," Cisco quickly explains then continues typing on the computer. Shortly, he groans loudly and leans back in his seat, covering his eyes in frustration. "Of course... of course!"

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