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Simon sat with one leg crossed over the other, reading a book as they waited for their flight to be called. He constantly shot Greyson dark looks because Elijah kept rambling and talking about all the things they'd do over their four day trip, but Greyson only hummed in agreement with Elijah and fawned over his soulmate's rambling.

Maybe it wasn't irritation over Elijah's talking but more jealousy over the fact that Greyson could sit and listen to Elijah and that Elijah wanted to talk to him.

Simon hadn't ever gotten to have a full conversation with Kayden outside of Kayden's ranting and anger toward him. He didn't know Kayden's favorite food, favorite movie, favorite season... he knew that his soulmate loved the stars, but that was the extent of his knowledge. He didn't even know the name of the town where Kayden grew up!

"You're looking pretty tense for someone who wouldn't die in the event of a plane crash," Greyson said, seeing how tight Simon was squeezing the plastic water bottle in his hand.

Simon sighed and let go of the plastic bottle, making it crunch as it was released from the tight grip. "I'm pissed off," he growled, longing to slam the bottle on the ground but he didn't want to draw attention to himself. "I let my demon side control me and scared Kayden. Not only that, I treated him like a damn object and now he hates me!"

Greyson gave him a sorrowful look. "I hope that Darius will have some advice," he said, offering a kind smile. "I don't really know what to say because Elijah and I share the bond and both feel it and neither of us has a human soulmate."

Simon looked at his watch. "Why didn't we just ask Alastor to transport us?" he asked irritably, making Elijah giggle.

"He'd be so mad if we used him every time we needed transportation," he said, propping his legs up onto Greyson's thighs. "Can you imagine the punishment he'd give you?"

"I don't want to think about it, personally," Greyson mumbled.

The woman at the flight desk called into the intercom, announcing that their flight was ready to be boarded.

While Simon always preferred first class, their flight was so last minute that they were all stuck in coach. He knew that Greyson and Elijah often flew first class as well, but they weren't as picky about it as Simon was.

"We will now start boarding coach class, rows four through eleven," the woman at the desk said.

Simon jumped up from his seat and didn't bother waiting for his companions as he went to stand in line. He was joined seconds later by Greyson and Elijah, all three of them ignoring the lustful stare of the flight attendant checking them in.

They settled into their seats for the long flight, Simon already on edge and being pushed further by the whining of a baby in the seat behind him. He hoped that Kayden never wanted to have kids because Simon didn't think he'd be able to handle it.

He could barely tolerate the other demons in their household when they got upset or irritated and started whining.

"Here," Elijah said, handing Simon a pair of earplugs. "We don't need you yelling at a nine month old child because you're in a bad mood."

Simon growled. "Children shouldn't be allowed to fly," he grumbled shoving the plugs in his ears and casting an angry look at the child who cried harder when Simon's glowing, blue eyes came into its line of vision. "Yeah, keep crying you little gargoyle."

"You're so mean," Greyson said, glaring at his fellow demon. "What if Kayden wants children?"

"I'll get him a puppy instead."

Stolen Innocence Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora