Three Beautiful Words

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Trina's P.O.V

What I saw when I woke up made my heart flutter, it was Lawrence holding me and patting my head with a smile on his face, and I held him tighter knowing that he'd been awake for hours watching me as I slept but the action caused me to gasp from pain, making him jump with a scared expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you ?". He asked, looking at my face for any sign pain in my expression or eyes but I put a mask on because the pain I feel right now and since I woke up the first time is horrible.

But I won't say that cause he'll blame himself and I don't want that.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me".
I hurriedly replied and smiled to assure him, and then he physically relaxed. He continued patting my hair as we were seated looking at me with a warm smile playing on his inviting lips.

"Trina, I want hold you, I want you kiss you, I want you close to me. Call me cringe but I almost lost my mind when you were unconscious. I couldn't sleep properly, I couldn't breathe properly I couldn't focus on anything, I had panic attacks I didn't even know I could get, and I dreamt of you every day. All these emotions made me realize that I love you, I've known for a while that I do but I didn't know it was to this extent, I love you so much more than I thought". I heard all he said but the only thing that I actually registered were those three beautiful words I love you. I might have imagined it the other time but right now he said it in front of me and I don't know how to act.

Should I jump and scream to the world that Lawrence Basma loves me. Nah that would probably scare him and make others think I'm crazy

But then, am I ready to say it back?

I'm such a kill joy .

Still in deep thought, I remember that he's waiting for me to say something and I look back at him only to find him scratching the back of his head, which is something he does when he's nervous. So I calmed down and replied

"Lawrence, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say those words to me, I want to scream and jump from how happy and excited I am but I need to calm down and think about whether or not I'm ready to accept all of you". I say looking at my hand and playing with my fingers cause I didn't wanna see the disappointment on his face but what he did next shocked me as that was the least reaction I expected.

He placed his hand on my chin, lifting my face to connect our eyes and kissed me. The second our lips touched, he let out a strained groan, showing how much he wanted to keep it in but I heard it alright.
He tilted his head to get a better access to my lips when the door made a creaking sound and opened revealing jace.

I pulled away like I was on fire but Lawrence pulled my face back and left a light kiss making me smile but look away as I was embarrassed due to his friends presence.

"Aww, come on Trina don't be shy around me. Please continue, and pretend I'm not here. I'll just take a seat and watch". He said with a serious face but a mocking tone. I didn't know how to reply because I don't really know him. I've met him maybe twice and I know he's Lawrence's best friend but that's all.

"What are you doing here". Lawrence asked with a very hard voice and I had to take a double look to check if this was the same man that was professing his love to me minutes ago.

"Well, hello to you too bestie". He smiled and tapped Lawrence on the shoulder, coming to sit next to me on the left side of the bed while Lawrence occupied the right side.

I could feel Lawrence's hard stare and I know Jace could feel it too because he was trying to hide his smile as made himself comfortable next to me.

"How do you feel". He asked looking all serious all of a sudden. How can he do that? Playful one second and serious the next. This guy has got be gemini.

"I- I'm fine". I stuttered a bit still taken aback by the sudden change. I find it so cool, so I smiled a bit but then he shook his head.

"No, you're not. The folds on your forehead tells me something different.
Don't worry, you'll be fine but the pain will last a few more days". He smiled and reached to tap me on the shoulder but his hand got yeeted by Lawrence, and I didn't know whether to laugh or not because I kinda knew he would do that.

"Over protective much?". He said laughing so hard I couldn't hold mine and joined him laughing.

The confusion on his face only made us laugh harder but I stopped when I felt a sharp pain in gut. Damn, can a few days be over already?

"Oops, I'm sorry. See ya later". He smiled sheepishly, looking at Lawrence and then ran out the door. If I say I don't know why he ran, I'd be lying. Lawrence was looking at him like he wanted to strangle him. I'd also run if I were him.

"I'll be back". He looked back at me, kissing my forehead and walking out the door leaving me to reminisce about what just happened making me chuckle a lil.

Just about a minute later, the door creaked announcing an entrance and I looked to the door to see Lawrence already.

"How are you back so fast?". I asked as he literally just left a minute ago.

"I sent one of the guards outside to get the food I made for you". He smiled and I did too can he be any sweeter?
But wait, how did he cook if he's been here since I woke up.

"I thought you've been here since I woke up, when did you get the time to cook". I asked purely out of curiosity.

"I brought it around 3am when I went to change clothes". He said making me more confused. I've been asleep for just a few hours, right?

"How long did I sleep?". I asked already guessing it's more than just a few hours.

"You've been asleep for about a day and half ". He said and although I guessed it, I couldn't imagine that I slept that long. That's basically another coma.

"Um, okay". I replied smiling, and looking up at him. I missed this man so much.

"C'mere". He gently pulled my hands towards him and engulfed me in a hug that meant a lot to me. I held him and he kissed my hair muttering...

"Don't feel pressured. We'll take it slow". I nodded as a reply and smiled into his chest wondering how I got so lucky.


Hello 👋, thanks for reading and being patient. I know I'm not the best at keeping a schedule but y'all are always here. Thanks 🤭
So, I'm gonna be posting another chapter today as my 'sorry for updating late again'

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(It's 1:33am by the way 😁)

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