Week Six

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Week Six

"What part of me screams athletic to you?" The wall was too high. Mridula looked at the wall and the wire lining on top of it that were openly taunting her. She watched Samira grip the ends of the brick, hoisting herself up like a skilled thief, effortlessly crossing the thin line between the ordinary and the exciting life, a line that Mridula desperately wanted to cross but the wall between threatened to rip her hopes apart, along with her vagina if she slipped.

She gulped, looking around. They had five minutes to jump before the guards started patrolling and their ignored presences became obvious. Half the risk was already taken, Mridula reasoned with herself. She couldn't go back to the hostel tonight after sneaking out, so she might as well jump.

"Come on Mri, you can do it. Just like I taught you-" Mridula nodded, it was time. If she had only these three years to live a lifetime, then she couldn't afford to be scared anymore. Who knew what life had for her, or what her obnoxious parents had planned for her- all she had was now and she has to jump into the moments before they slip away.

The jump became metaphorical now for her, and she struggled under the weight of her fears. She sloppily plodded up to one side, propping her upper body on top of the wall. She looked up to see the other side of the road along with some curious eyes that would linger. "Oh god."She muttered, adjusting her glasses as she carefully crossed the wires.

"Jump now, jump."Samira encouraged, as Mridula felt her body freeze. She couldn't see the ground below, she couldn't just jump down. Who was she kidding? She wasn't strong enough to hold her dreams, how was she supposed to live them? "I-I can't" She whispered, feeling her breath accelerate.

She tried to lower her foot but there was nothing to hook them on to and Mridula found her body growing hot. She closed her eyes, for once not knowing what to do.

Someone gripped the side of her hips, firmly and her body steadied itself. "Jump."A smooth voice fought the voices in her head as Mridula gulped. "I'll catch you, I promise." Mridula didn't know whose voice that was but she knew she had to hold on to it. She nodded, taking a deep breath before jumping. The hands on her hips steadied themselves, as her back hit the body of the voice and she was on her feet. And that to alive.

Her heart was racing, but now out of sheer thrill. She turned only to meet the eyes of the voice and her heart raced a bit faster now. She knew the eyes, and they knew her too. His lips turned into an amused smile. "How many times do I have to save you, 'fuckboi' "His voice was slow and almost lost in the noise of the traffic outside.

But Mridula heard it as clear as the winds on a lonely night.

"Thank you so much for helping Karna bhaiya." Samira's voice cut through her daze as Mridula looked away from his eyes. Her cheeks turned red as soon as his hands abandoned her body and she looked everywhere but him.

Karna smiled nodding, his eyes finding its way to the girl back. Suddenly the party seemed less of the nightmare he had thought it would be.

Samira hugged Mriudula at their victory, Mridula smiling at her excitement. The real struggle began now, at the party. "Come, let me escort you two to the grand celebration," Karna spoke mockingly, as Samira nodded walking a little ahead with him. Mridula was glad, she wasn't ready for her to fall under his gaze yet again.

Even in the dark, she could see the rainy face that had popped into her mind every day since the last few weeks, the way his eyes had looked like a prisoner in pain and she could understand that. It was strange, how they haunted her, no one had ever had this kind of daunting effect on her. Except for a stranger, who she kept bumping into.

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