18 | Death From Above

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Chapter Eighteen
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter Eighteen DEATH FROM ABOVE └───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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I stare down into the snow, hoping that Calyptus will come crawling out of it at any time, but she doesn't. The wind begins to pick up, but the avalanche that was headed our way has gone leaving behind snow piles. I start climbing down the tree when I hear a cannon go off. Panic rises up within me, "Calyptus!" I yell and then jump down from the tree. It wasn't a far drop to the ground, but once I hit the ground, I stumbled back a little to catch my footing.

I ran to the spot where she landed in the snow and started digging through it. "Come on, don't be dead," I whisper to myself. I reach my hand down into the snow and grab onto her arm. I quickly pull her up, hoping that the only person that I liked in this arena is still alive. As soon as her head breaks the surfaces of the snow, she gasps in air.

"What happened?" She asked as she looked around. "What happened to the avalanche?" she sounded confused, and honestly, so was I. I wonder why it just disappeared as soon as Calyptus fell to the ground, the Gamemakers could have easily made a kill, but they didn't.

I pull her up to her feet, "It went away, but a cannon went off. I guess that since we both are alive, that it is most likely the boy from 6. The tributes from 1 probably took him out." I tell her, and as I reach for my backpack, I realize that it is not there. I must have dropped it at some point during the avalanche. Maybe when I jumped from tree to tree. At least I still have my golden bow and arrows. "It's just them and us." I don't say that this will most likely be the last day of the arena. I don't want to think about that. I mean, yes, I want to go home more than anything, but it would also mean that one of us, if not both, will die in the next few hours. But I can tell by the look on her face that she knows.

"Listen, before the last battle happens, I just want you to know that I liked having you as my ally and as a friend." She spoke softly.

I nodded my head, and tears started to form in my eyes at the thought of her dying. We have bonded so much in the twelve days that we've been here. "I couldn't have made it this far without you. I hope you win," I tell her.

I know that if the cameras are on us, then Snow is probably not happy about this. He wants us to kill each other, not make friends. "Thank you for being my friend," I reply.

After our moment of saying our goodbyes to each other in case we don't get to later, we head out on the hunt for the last two tributes. Hours seem to pass before we find any sign of life, but then we stumble across an old fire site. It looks like it hasn't been used in a couple of days. It has snow starting to cover it.

"Wait," Calyptus says as he stops walking, and I turn back to stare at her, "You still got to hold up your end of the deal." She speaks.

I let out a sigh, "Now?" I ask, not really wanting to make a snow angel when there are currently two tributes hunting us.

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