"Happy" Chp. 13

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Then I was left with deku alone.

I sat still on the hospital bed just thinking about how deku was blaming himself. How in the world would he ever think this is his fault. I mean, he's the only thing keeping me together right now. So many thoughts were going through my mind. The room was silent but so loud at the same time.

My heart hurt for him. My heart ached.

My mind was getting louder by the second until it was interrupted by Deku.

"Are you sure? That y'know, it's not my fault. I mean I asked you to come on the date and-"

"Shut up." I said harshly.

He flinched at my sudden tone and look up at me. He looked like he was about to cry. Just how much has this affected him.

I feel bad but I can't let him think like that. I was also a bit flustered by how he brang up the date like it was nothing. I pursed my lips before speaking boldly.

"Stop blaming yourself. It's not any of your fault and you know it. You've done so many things to make me smile after the death of my parents and you're taking the fault for something a villain did!?" I try my best to keep my anger held. I'm not mad at deku, I'm just mad that he thinks so lowly of himself.

He looks at me and I can see something is his eyes. Anger? No that's not it. Fear? Nope, not that either. It's, gratitude.

I hope I lifted a weight of his chest.

He suddenly stands up and walks towards me with his head down. He fidgets with the end of his shirt and stops walking when he gets to the edge of the hospital bed.

He looks at me and my heart droops.

Tears... tears falling down his face. The water wouldn't stop, it was devastating. He look like he was in so much pain. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say.

My body moved on it's own. My mind was blank but my body knew what to do. I got up from the hospital bed. I looked him in the eyes and hugged him. My head rested on his chest and I squeezed him tight. He was hesitant at first but he eventually wrapped his arms around me and silently cried.

I could hear the acational sniffles but most of all, I could hear the guilt. I could hear the guilt he was feeling and I hated it. I could hear the sadness it was causing him and I wouldn't accept it. I wont let this continue to haunt him.

The only thing I could think of doing was telling him how I feel. I was nervous but calm. I felt safe but terrified. It was quiet and loud. I squeezed him tighter and calmly said "Thank you, for everything. Please know I love you."

I hid my flustered face in his chest. I ment it and I hope it helped but I'm nervous on how he will react. I slowly let go of him and took a step back causing me to lose my balance and fall on the bed. I kept my head low afraid of the comment to come.

His arms dropped from where they once were and he looked stunned for a few seconds like he was still processing the meaning of my statement. He then wiped his tears away quickly and took a deep, long breath.

He mumbled/yelled/said

w h a t

I didn't understand a thing he had said. I looked up at him and started laughing. He looked so nervous and red. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. My cheeks cramping from my wide smile. He smiled then joined me in the laughter. In that moment it was like all the pain was gone. All the hurt was forgotten and put away. My jar of unwanted emotions was emptied. I was happy.

But how long would this happiness me and Deku had shared last.

How long would we be

h a p p y

Word count: 700

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