💢Chapter 10💢

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Chapter 10

"You're a what?"

"A.... a virgin" Dara stammered through and Efe scoffed in unbelief. He didn't want to believe Dara could be a virgin, it was simply hard to swallow.

"You're kidding me right? You're 34 years old"

"And I'm not married yet am I?"

"You don't get it. This is a new age, these days people already lost their virginity in the womb." He exaggerated and Dara scoffed, "Eighteen years old girls are not even virgins anymore!" "What's your point?"

"There's  none, there's absolutely no point. I'm just shocked, like really really shocked"


Dara opened the devotional for the day.

16th of February, 2020

It's turning around for you-

After reading the devotional, she knelt down on the floor, placing her hands on her Bible and devotional like she usually does. "Lord whatever I have done that might be a sin against you, have my mercy from your throne of Grace and forgive me. Father, your daughter is conflicted, I don't know what to do or what decision to make. I know I've promised to stay a virgin till marriage but, what if I give up my virginity so my relationship with Efe can last longer? I'm in between compromising my faith here and I need a sign from you. Any sign, just help me"

🎶You are the God who was and is and is to come, Jesus, Jesus. In you I trust my life is in your hands, Jesus, you are the miracle working God. You are Yahweh, eh whatever, you are Yahweh, you are Yahweh......🎶

Dara sang and all the congregations raised their hands moved by the glorious and heart felt worship.

"Babe, you moved me" Boma praised Dara after service, "As in i was like speaking in tongues, sakaraba seke boo" she babbled and Dara laughed. "It wasn't that good"

"Everyone's hands were up all through, that's worship with a difference. I'm glad I missed my church service for this"

"Thanks. Awwwn see as you're making me blush"

"Did you noticed the Duncans came to your guys church today?" She asked and Dara creased her brow in surprise. "It's a big church, the only people I took notice of was that movie producer and her husband. You know why? Because they're popular. Why are you always bothering me about the Duncan's?"

"Well they came but not all the family sha, just the father, the first wife, the first son, that grumpy idiot! And the daughter"

"The gym owner came?"

"He has a name, Funsho Duncan, yes he came. I sighted him"

Pastor IK moved towards her, "Sister Dara" "Good afternoon Pastor" Dara greeted and Boma joined in.  "Good afternoon sisters, powerful worship you led in there Sister Dara"

"Thank you Sir"

"You brought down heaven and because of it, someone would like to speak to you outside if you don't mind"


"Chief Dr. Duncan"

"Ehn? Like the popular Chief Duncan" Boma intruded and Dara almost rolled her eyes. Why does she have to get involved with the Duncan's every damn time!

"Yes. That's his name"

"One second Sir" Boma dragged Dara away, "Why must it be the Duncan's every time! It so happens that i called to their restaurant every time, I exercise at the guy's gym, the daughter is my fitness therapist, what else can go wrong?"

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