Chapter 23

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I woke up from the annoying sound off my phone.

I opened my eyes and they darted to the alarm clock on the nightstand. Who the fuck would call me at 2am? I looked at the caller ID and rolled my eyes knowing I'm in for a stupid phone call...


"Ellaaaaa", her drunken voice came through. Here we go...

"What's wrong?" I asked, rubbing the sleep of my face.

"It's Oliver, CODE RED", she screamed, hurting my ears.

"What's with Oliver?"

"You have to come, I don't know what to do anymore"

"Wow wow, slow down"

"It's fucking Oliver and I-", she started.

"Oh my god, I almost forgot! Happy new year", she yelled through phone.

"You too but what's going on?" I asked but she stayed quiet for a while. Dear god, am I like this when I'm drunk?

"I don't feel so good", I heard her before the line went dead. You're kidding me right?

I started calling her again and again but they all went straight to voicemail. The fuck Sophia... She's really gonna make me go there, isn't she? My conscious isn't going to let me sleep until I know she's okay.. Damnit

I tried calling Sarah but she didn't pick up either. For ffucks sake...


I rapidly stepped out of bed and threw on a hoodie, calling a taxi since my scooter was still at Michelle's. This is such a mess.

I arrived at the party sooner than I expected and franticly started looking around. I called Sophia again when I arrived at the second floor of this huge ass house and was surprised to hear her voice come through.


"Sophia, where the hell are you?" I asked her annoyed but relieved that she was okay.

"I'm at the party, duh", she giggled. Drunk mess...

"I know, but where? I'm here too"

"Oh my god, you came", she screamed again, so loud I was surprised I didn't hear it coming from the house.

"Yes, so where are you?" I tried again.

"I'll come find you", she said and hung up the phone again. My god... If being woken up at 2am didn't give me a headache then this definitely did.

Air, I need some air. I walked over to a balcony I'd been before and pushed the doors open, being met with the cold night breeze. Should have put on something warmer than just the hoodie.

I leaned myself against the railing and closed my eyes, enjoying the peace for however it'll last. That is until a voice scared the shit out of me "You don't look too happy".

I turned around and saw Daniel sitting on the bench against the wall, having a smoke. He had a stupid smile on his face as he waited for me to answer. I'm really not up for his shit right now...

"That's because I'm not", I told him and sat down next to him, gazing at the stars in front of me. At least it's pretty outside.

"Where are your little friends?" he asked me, putting out his cigarette and staring in front of him as well.

"Probably drunk somewhere"

"So just the usual", he chuckled and I confusedly turned to him. Daniel Sanders is laughing in my presence, that's new. The smile on his face however stayed as he turned forward again, me continuing to stare at him. Something about his smile was just really captivating to me. Pretty understandable since it's rare anyway.

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