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March 20 , 2019
        1:00 PM

  I tapped my foot, waiting anxiously for Mario to call me into his office. He said we needed to "talk" but never said what we had to talk about . I automatically thought he's about to fire me so I came up with some bad ass ways to quit ! I'm ready for that ass because I gave this job the best 3 years of my life so he can try it if he wants to because a bitch is ready! But wait, he doesn't have a reason to fire me so maybe I'm bugging out.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" I yelled.

Kathy walked in with her face mugged like always causing me to roll my eyes.

"What?" I said annoyed because at this point we're having a staring contest.

"Mario wants to see you" before I could even respond she closed my door. Bitch.. I stood up adjusted my blazer in my mirror and strutted my ass to his office.

I knocked as I walked in "you wanted to talk to me" I said closing the door behind me.

"Ah yes lianet , I have great news sit down please " he said sitting straight up in his seat.
Girl I'm still nervous wth, I definitely sat my ass down tho . "How do you feel about working in LA?"

I choked " LA? As in California LA?". He chuckled " Yes silly , where else?.
I scrunched my face up "What's in LA?" I asked puzzled.

"Well I have a realtor friend out in LA and he's requested that I send my best employee out there to join his advertising team for 6 months. And who would be more perfect for this job than you?"

Before I could even answer he said "Nobody! Great perfect so here's your ticket , you leave on Friday. When you get off the plane a driver will pick you up and take you to your new apartment. Make yourself comfortable and lianet please go out there and make some friends please!"

He went on and on but I started to tune him out. All the way across the states? Wow this is amazing, who knew little ole me would be working this hard to get opportunities this big. Of course I'll take the job !! Once I picked my head up he was smiling hard and handing me an envelope , I'm guessing that was my ticket.

"Thank you so much Mario " I said racing out of his office, a bitch has to go pack! Walking back into my office I shut everything off and was on my way out the door. Walking by Kathy I couldn't help but to say " Bye Bitch, you better be gone when I get back in 6 months " laughing obnoxiously I walked my ass out that building to my Black 2019 BMW M6.


Walking into my house I smelled something delicious. " Ma are you in the kitchen?" I yelled taking my heels off and making my way into the kitchen.

"Hi honey you're home early " she said kissing me on the cheek. "Yea I know, I have great news. Where's dad?"
"Sleeping , what news you got to tell us?" She said turning the stove off and facing me . I hoped up and ran upstairs to jump on my sleeping father.

"Fatherrrrr wake uppppp" giggling because he pushed me off of him. "What do you want Net " he said groggily looking at me with low eyes.

"Come downstairs and I'll tell you want I need old man". Walking to my room I put my hair up in a bun and changed into a big shirt and shorts. Once I got back downstairs my parents were seated at the table eating lunch without me. How rude!

"So y'all just don't love me anymore huh" I pouted . " Well if you walked in the kitchen you'd see your plate " Mom said . Once I grabbed my sandwich and joined my parents at the table, Dad looked at me " So what's this news you gotta tell us duke".

"Oh yea!" I then started to tell them everything Mario told me. Smiling like an idiot I said "I leave on Friday!".

My mom clapped and squeezed my cheeks "Princesss I'm so proud of you, you definitely deserve this. Bad bitch in LA" she laughed, joining in with her we quickly stopped when we noticed my father hasn't said anything.

His face was blank as he kept eating. " Anything you have to say dad?" I asked a little upset he wasn't reacting. In a swift motion he picked up his plate said "Congratulations " and walked back upstairs.

"Ma what did I say wrong?" I said with annoyance laced in my tone . " I will speak to him, don't worry about it. Go pack girl" she said hugging me one last time before following my father upstairs.. He's about to blow mine and I don't have time for it right now.

Getting up from the table i made my way to my room and got ready for bed. This day was too much but cheers to new beginnings.

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