Chapter 8 | Birth Parents

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"What's wrong? The food is not to your liking?" A man asked his wife as they went out for their dinner date after dropping off their son at the airport.

"Our son went on a trip with his friends. It's not like he's going to stay oversea. It's just a vacation after all." The woman's husband tried to reassure his wife.

"I know that, Henry. It's just; my mind suddenly thought of the past." The woman's husband, Henry, takes a bite of his food before facing his wife.

"Lisa, I know we've done a lot of sins back then. But we decide to repent. Isn't that enough to make you feel less guilty?" The man's wife, Lisa, shakes her head no.

"I gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock and abandoned her at some run-down church. We don't even know if that kid is still alive or not. Henry, after I heard what happened to the orphanage, my heart sunk. What if she's one of the victims who died in the fire?" Henry shakes his head, no.

"She was long gone by then. Lisa, there is no use for us to think about the past. We've been through so much together to be the person we are today. Yes, we made a lot of mistakes while growing up, but there's no use of feeling guilty. Twenty-three years had passed since that incident. We have no idea if she is alive or what she looks like." Lisa knows that what her husband just said is true, but as a mother, she can't bear to think of the consequences of her action twenty-three years ago.

Both Henry and Lisa were young and wild.  Lisa gave birth to her firstborn without her parent's knowledge and with the help of Henry, they manage to keep it a secret until to this day. Because of their family status in society, both Henry and Lisa decided to keep their secret away from their parent's knowledge.

Lisa gave birth to a perfect baby girl at one of Henry's vacation home. But knowing the baby's existence will be a nuisance for both of them, they decided to leave the baby in the care of an orphanage associating with the church. Since then, they have no idea what had happened to their child.

"Henry, can't you do something? Can you find the child for me, your wife?" Lisa begged her husband. Henry finally gave up on opposing the idea by nodding his head.

"Alright. I will try to find her, okay?" Lia finally smiles.

"It will be her birthday soon." Henry smiled at her wife.

"I will do my best," Henry promised his wife.



I told myself many times that I will not get involved in Haraya's affair, but I can't help it. In the end, I followed this blonde woman to her country, which resulted in me living in Lady Red's home because Haraya doesn't have her own house.

I can't believe that woman didn't even use a dime of her money from killing countless people to buy herself her pad. Hmmm.

"So, did you manage to find Haraya's parents?" Lady Red inquired when walked into the living room.

"I did. And it's not what I expected. Tell me, Lady Red; you know about her parents, right?" Lady Red nodded.

"It's my job to know since I am her mentor. Trust me; I was surprised as well." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Why did you decided not to tell her about their identity?" Lady Red shrugged.

"Perhaps Haraya knew, and she just wants to keep it to herself? Who knows what is inside her mind. Haraya is the type that never to share her burden with anyone. Even if it gets worse, he won't disclose her worries to just anyone." If she knew, that explains why she didn't pursue it.

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