20. Queen Bee Marceline

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Secretly dating isn't something I had written into my calendar. Then again, secretly dating an actor isn't something I ever expected either, and yet, here I am. Sneaking around not only my roommate, but also the entire campus, is becoming easier by the day. Matt and I spend our lunches in the library where we're away from prying eyes. Occasionally we go out after classes, not like anyone would think too much of us going to the movies or anything, but, we hang out at least half of the time at Matt's apartment. With his insane movie collection and massive TV, it's basically like a home theater.

Although it's been a week, I'm still waiting for the inevitable awakening where my eyes actually open and I'm in a hospital room where the doctor tells me I've been in a coma and all this has been a dream. Especially when I sit on Matt's couch and he plops next to me, cuddling into my side with a bowl of jalapeno popcorn. He smiles when my gaze is caught. Tilts his head curiously. Then offers me some popcorn, which he happily feeds to me. Yeah, it's dream-like, and I kind of hope that if this is a coma, nobody will wake me up.

"What do you wanna watch?" Matt asks, flipping on the TV, which has so many options that I can't begin to fathom what to choose from. He's subscribed to just about every TV and movie related app there is because Matt truly is a movie buff, drama buff, anything to do with TV buff.

"Something spooky," I answer since that is the mood I'm currently in. Not to say that I'm not scared, but it is the middle of the afternoon, which is the only time I can watch anything spooky related without giving myself nightmares. Not to mention Matt is here so I always do better with someone around.

"Spooky it is."

We're searching through the wide selection of horror movies when there's a sudden knock at the door. We looked at one another, me questioning if he forgot to tell me his sisters were visiting. However, his nonchalant shrug states he's as clueless as I am. Clueless turns to concern when the door opens. He's off the couch and rushing over to the doorway before I have time to blink. I reach for my phone though, just in case.

"Mom," Matt calls, standing motionless. I freeze too, listening to the soft clicking of heels then focusing on the woman that comes waltzing into the living room.

Marceline Jeneviere is as fierce as one would expect of a self made millionaire. Waves of pitch black hair rest over thin shoulders while blood red lips contrast against pale skin. The clothes she wears are cream in color with golden accents, perfectly fitted to her thin, model-like figure. She's almost threatening, standing there with golden sunglasses that she slides from her slim nose to reveal cold blue eyes. Those eyes are fixated on me.

"What are you doing here?" Matt asks, swiftly stepping in front of me. I'm grateful for reasons unknown. Marceline's gaze gives me the shivers.

"Can't a mother come by to visit her son?" Marceline sighs. Even her voice is commanding, although she asked a simple question it feels almost taunting.

"It's polite to inform someone prior to a visit."

"My apologies then. I'll call next time." She steps around Matt, who shifted his gaze between me and her. She sits elegantly in the loveseat, crossing one long leg over the other. Again, she's watching me, sitting there like she owns the place.

"Whose this?" She asks, clearly speaking of me. "Odd for you to invite someone to your place."

"A friend," Matt answers, which is rather telling. I recall that he said she was very controlling. Perhaps she tries to control his friends and romantic partners as well? His sisters already know about us but not his mom so that's a huge red flag. I offer up what I hope to be a kind smile. She doesn't return the gesture.

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