Chapter 13 Dustin

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Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 13 Dustin

My heart stopped. He knew, Dustin knew it was me all along. He smirked and walked over to me. He bent down so our faces were at the same level. Our noses were inches apart. My heart pounded against my chest crazily as he inched closer.

"Have anything to say?" he asked.

His hot breath tickled my lips as I shook my head. He pulled back and crossed his arms across his chest. He then laughed and shook his head.

"Actually, I don't know what your talking about." I lied.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. He caught me. He knew I was Rose at the party. He pinched my nose and sat down on the bed making it dip down.

"I might not have sixth sense, but I can tell your lying." he stated smiling proudly at me.

"How?" I challenged.

"You forgot this at the dance."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out my phone. It was in the same condition as before but it had fingerprints all over it. Which means, someone was trying to figure out the password. I snatched the phone from his hands quickly and turned it on.

That's weird, I never remembered turning it off when I was at the dance. Dustin peeked over my shoulder and watched me closely.

"Did you mess with it?" I asked him suspiciously.

"No. Well, I kinda tried but your pattern password is damn hard." he admitted scratching the back of his neck.

"Asshole." I muttered.

"You're welcome." he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and turned the phone away from him and unlocked it. My mouth dropped to the floor when I saw the number of missed calls on there. Seventy four missed calls from my step mother, from Kasay and of course, from my very best friend Jaxon.

"You're popular." he said sarcastically.

I gave him a flat look and shook my head. I then tossed my phone aside and crossed my arms over chest. The ice pack was still on my ankle and it was burning. I closed my eyes for a moment wishing the pain could go away.

"So-" he started. "-why don't you want people knowing you were the Rose at the dance?" he asked.

My eyes were still closed as I let out a long breath. "It's a long story."

"I have time." he replied simply.

I took in a deep breath, with my eyes still closed I groaned out of annoyance. Did he have to be as annoying as Kasay? I finally opened my eyes and found him messing with my phone. He was grinning evilly while tapping on it.

"Dustin!" I yelled. "Give me back my phone!"

He looked up with a glint of evilness in his eyes as he stood up slowly and walking around me studying me closely. There was a playfulness to all his actions. He then picked up my phone and showed me the screen.

"I didn't know you had a crush on Axel!" he grinned.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape as the screen showed a very hot Axel swimming in his swimming trunks. My face heated up immediately. I tried grabbing the phone from him but he stumbled back and held it away from me.

"I don't like him!" I protested.

He smirked as pointed to my phone. "Then why do you have all these photos of him shirtless on your phone? Wow, you even have some of him as a kid-"

Crush On Mr. Bad Boy [Unedited]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora