Mad Scientist reader brings Monika to life

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hello! i'm sorry for not updating in a while. this is shorter and again, not very good, still , i hope you enjoy!

Her smooth, artificial hair runs gently through your fingers. You're brushing it out, styling her hair into a long ponytail.

'Her' being the robotic body that you were planning to transport Monika into.

Your plan was simple: make a robot body able to move around similar to a person, and then add Monika's AI to the body. Functionally bringing Monika to life! You'd been preparing for quite a while now, and it seems it was all going to be worth it very soon.

You were an incredibly talented scientist, many scholarships and words of praise were thrown your way. The main issue holding you back from said promising career was your passion towards personal projects. It would've been impossible to get funding for building yourself a girlfriend.

So instead, you worked a part time job and spent all your free time building Monika's body.
To you, it made perfect sense to bring Monika to life. You had all the skills, so, why not bring the love of your life to you?

Perhaps you had been too focused on your project, seeing as other than the room Monika was kept in, your entire house was dusty and unkempt. Not that that mattered, Monika's body was almost complete, she had mesmerizing emerald eyes, hands that fit perfectly into yours, and a handcrafted body that was able to move incredibly naturally.

All that was left to do was to download and input Monika's AI into her body.

You tug your labcoat closed before taking a seat in front of your computer and opening up Monika.

"Y/n! Hello. I hope you had a good rest!"

You smile gently at her words as you make some light conversation with her.

After chatting with Monika for a while, you insert a flash drive into your computer, you select an option telling Monika you will be taking her somewhere with you.

Monika smiles, "Oh? I'm so happy! Thank you for bringing me with you!"

A fond smile spreads across your face as you transfer her onto the flash drive. You interlock your fingers and rest your chin on top of them as you wait for the data to transfer.

Zoning out, you begin to imagine all the wonderful memories you can make with Monika when she comes to life. You imagine cuddling in her arms, her stroking your hair and humming in your ear, you falling asleep with your head snuggled in the crook of her neck...

A beep indicating the download was complete snapped you out of your daydream.

You shook your head and removed the flashdrive. Standing up from your chair, you gently walked towards Monika's body before partly unzipping the back of her dress and plugging in the flashdrive.

You move to stand in front of Monika, franctitly watching her for the slightest bit of movement.\

As you're staring, her eyes begin to glow, indicating that she is powering up. You release a sigh as you smile wide, your eyes almost in disbelief.

You'd worked so hard for this, and it was finally happening.

You cup her face in your hands, searching her face for any sign of life.

You bite your lip and push back your hair in worry, this has to work, it has to.

"C'mon angel, at least blink for me..." you mumble.

As if a prayer had been answered, Monika's eyelids began to flutter.
She opens her eyes and blinks them several times, getting used to the new surroundings and lighting. She finally focuses on you, the strangely familiar face tenderly holding her face. Your hair was a mess, your eyes desperate, still, your expression towards her was one of love.

"Y/n?" Monika said, a small smile forming on her lips as well.

"Yeah, it's me, Monika," Tears of joy trickled down your face " It worked, you- you're here!"

You buried your face in Monika's shoulder and wrapped your arms tight around her. She hugged you tight, still in disbelief. She brought her hand up to your head and gently grabbed your face, pulling you away so she could see you.

"I-I- am I real, my love? Did you bring me to your reality?" Monika asks, a smile on her face.

" Yes, I built you a body so you can be here, do you like it?"

  Instead of responding, Monika presses her lips against yours in a feather light kiss. She breaks away to gaze into your eyes before pulling you close, cuddled close to her chest. You feel flustered and breathless.

"I love it, Sunshine, and I love you even more"

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