Chapter 9:

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Natasha: We didn't say anything for a few moments. A moment later, Clint shook his head. "We should get out of this stupid room," Clint said.

"Seriously?" I asked, a little amazed, "I thought you didn't trust me."

"I don't," Clint said, "But if I'm ever going to, then I have to see if you run. Let's go." He held out his hand for me to take, and I did.

We stopped by my room to grab me soe clothes other than the cat suit. "Can you stay out here?"I asked.

"Depends, are you going to make a break for it?" Clint asked, folding his arms.

"No. Remember, I lose out on something if I do," I said. Clint moved across the hall from the door.

"I'll be here," Clint said, cross his arms. I nodded, grabbing the key from my pocket, opening my door.

I walked over to my open suit case, pulling out a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. "So, I would have offered to help you out, but you seem to have it covered," a voice said behind me. I spun around, seeing Wint smiling behind me.

"Yeah," I said, almost bummed to see him. I knew I should have been happy, but I wasn't. "Sort of,"

"What do you mean sort of?" Wint asked, touching my arm.

"He's outside the door," I said, "We're going for a bit of sight seeing, while I give him false intel," I said, lying.

"Anything I can do?" Wint asked.

I shook my head, before kissing him quickly, "I can handle this Wint."

"Are you sure Natalia?" Wint asked, raising an eyebrow, "We should get you home to Drakeov quickly, so he doesn't suspect."

"I also need the American's not to suspect. I can work Drakeov. I can't work the Americans as well. You know best of all how they are Wint."

Wint's eyes dropped. He pursed his lips, nodding. "And you'll tell me if he, you know, hurts you or anything?"

"I can handle myself," I said, "You know that."

"Of course," Wint said, kissing me again. I had to applaud myself on the act I was playing.But as I was kissing Wint, I caught a glimspe of just how dangerous this game was becomeing. I was starting to remember one fact. It scared me.

Drakeov was never going to let me go. No matter how hard I begged. He would kill everything, everyone, that ever mattered to me, and never let me go. I had always felt trapped, but in that kiss, I knew just how trapped I really was.

"Are you alright?" Wint asked , pulling away.

"Of course," I said with a sideways smile, "Just thinking."

I kissed Wint one last time, "Now shew. I have to get dressed."

Wint smiled, then went toward the window, leaving. I got changed fast.

"That took a while," Clint said when I appeared again.

"You Americans," I teased, "You have such patience issues."

As Clint objected to my claime, my mind wasn't on him. As I looked over my shouler in the Lobby, I saw a long haired man in a leather jacket, and he winked at me. My mind wasn't on that either.

My mind was on Drakeov. And how if I was going to be an American, I would have to kill him.

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