I Am Moana

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All of you were on the canoe, you could hear Maui singing, "What can I say except were dead soon, were dead soon." "Can you at least try?" Moana asked. Then you saw him lift his arm and say, "Giant Hawk." Soon he turned into all these animals. "Hey, it's okay, okay, we're dead soon." Maui sang. "Alright break time is over, get up," you said as you tapped Maui with your paddle. "Why? What, are you and (Y/n) going to give me a speech, tell me I can beat Te Ka cause I'm Maui." Mini Maui began to scold him. Maui flicked him back. "Take a hike, tiny." He said. "How do you get your tattoos?" Moana asked. "They show up when I earn them," Maui muttered. You leaned over then you pointed to one in particular. "How do you earn that one?" When there was no response, you moved on to another tattoo. "What's that for?" You asked. "That's man's discovery of Nanya." "What's Nanya?" Moana questioned. "Non' ya business," Maui snapped before turning away from her. That didn't hinder you or Moana though. "We'll just keep asking." You said. Then you pointed to another one, this time the one on his back. "What's that for?" You asked. "You need to stop doing that." Maui snarled, but you two stepped closer, persistent. "Back off." Maui said. "Just tell us what it is." Moana said. "I said back off." Maui said.

"Is that why your hook's not working?" You asked. "No!" Maui said as he grabs you and throws you into the water. You climb back on the boat. "You don't wanna talk? Don't talk. You wanna throw us off the boat. Throw us off. You wanna tell us, we don't know what we're doing. We know we don't. We have no idea why the ocean chose us. You're right. But, our island is dying. So we are here. It's just me, you and (Y/n). And we want to help. But we can't, if you don't let us." Moana said. When Maui finally spoke again, the somber mood was easy to feel. "I wasn't born a demigod. I have human parents. They... They took one look and decided they didn't want me. They threw me into the sea like I was nothing. Somehow, I was found by the Gods. They gave me the hook. They made me... Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them island, fire, coconuts. Anything they ever wanted." Maui said. "You took the heart for them. You did everything for them so they'd love you." You said. "Maui weakly shrugged. "It was never enough." He said. "Maybe the Gods found you for a reason. Maybe the oceans brought you to them. Because it saw someone who was worthy of being saved. But the Gods aren't the ones who make you Maui. You are." You said. "Okay," he grinned as he looked at the girls as he jumped up. Then he shape shifted into a beetle. The chicken ate him, but he quickly changed back to his demigod form. Next he transformed into a lizard. Then he transformed into a bird and flew around. Lastly, he transformed into a whale and drops into the ocean. Then he changes back to normal on the boat. "Next stop, Te Fiti." Moana said as she gave him the oar. Maui takes it, then gives it back. You and Moana smile.

Time Skip

Maui keep smiling at you and Moana. "What?" You asked. "I figured it out." Maui spoke. He jumped down. "You know the ocean used to loved when I pulled out islands cause your ancestors would sail the seas, and find them; all those new islands, new villages... It was the water that connected them all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for, ahh... Curly haired, non-princesses to start that again." Maui said. "That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to us. Probably should've saved that for Te Fiti." Moana said. Maui smiles. "I did." He said. "Moana and (Y/n) of Motunui," he paused as he turned to look at what lied before them. "I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great sea. Moana, (Y/n), Moana, (Y/n), Moana, (Y/n), yay, you two are so amazing." Maui said. You rolled your eyes playfully and laughed. An island came into view. They had reached Te Fiti and simply needed to get to her. The trio rose to their feel as they mentally prepared. Just as they got closer, something awakened before them. Great clouds of smoke rose from the ground making it nearly impossible to see. Then, through the smoke they could see Te Ka rise, red lava burning beneath the skin of rock that covered it. "It's time." Maui said. Moana gave him the heart. "Go save the world." You said. Maui grinned before he transformed into a hawk and took to the sky. More dark clouds appear, until the lava demon shows herself. Maui goes to attack her, but she attacks and he is thrown into the ocean. "Maui!" You and Moana cried. Maui transforms into a shark and grabs the heart. Maui transformers back into himself onto the boat. You ran over to help him. You and Maui looked over before you realized Moana was sending them straight towards the lava monster. "What... What are you doing?" Maui asked anxiously. Moana pointed ahead as she showed them a divide in the island, right beside Te Ka. "Finding you better way in." Moana said.

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