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Rhea's POV

"Thank god you are here," I said coming to my apartment where Preeti was waiting for me.

I took half day leave as she was in town and is going to stay with me for my birthday tomorrow.


"What are best friends for?" She laughed waking the bags in her hand following me into the house.

"You need not bring that, I am not a kid," I said pointing to the cake box she was taking out of one of the bags.

"I know, it's for me to eat, you only need to cut it. I have no problem finishing the entire cake," she placed it in the fridge.

I moved into the kitchen to heat up the lunch, I made something in the morning, it would be enough for us and we can make something different for dinner.

"I want noodles for dinner," she started searching for all the ingredients, a smile crept on my face remembering the last time I had noodles, it was with Vikram when we were trying out a new dish, Pad thai noodles.

"Stop smiling like a love sick person," she said walking past me. I jerked up taking the food out of the oven.

"I am not," I glared at her, but my glare did nothing but increase her smirk.

"Okay, tell me if it's not Vikram or something related to him behind that smile," she said in a confident tone.

How did she?

Did she learn how to read minds? She must have, otherwise how can she tell that it was Vikram.

I huffed and ate silently, she is grinning beside me,"stop that before my fist does that for you," I warned.

She covered her mouth with her hands before bursting out in laughter,"that's it," I attacked her.

She ran to my room throwing pillows on me, I easily dodged the following her. After a lot of running and insulting, we were on my bed laughing like maniacs.

I was still in my office clothes, I made my move to the closet, taking a sweatshirt and shorts I walked to the bathroom.

When I came out after freshing up, Preeti was sleeping peacefully, I smiled and joined her.


"You said you wanted noodles," I accused Preeti who was smiling sheepishly sitting on the counter of my kitchen.

"I said and I still do but it's late," she was glancing at her phone, it's only 8 and we still have all night, she is definitely going to wake me up at night, so why bother sleep.

"I can finish it, we still have time, the noodles are done..," I was still speaking when a notification popped on her phone.

She moved it away before I can peep into it. She yanked me into the hall turning off the stove.

"What are you doing?" She motioned me to sit quietly. She then turned all the lights off.

What in the earth is she doing?

"Just sit there and let me do my work," she came into the room again carrying the cake with candles on it.

"I know you want to have the cake, you can have it even without me cutting it, isn't it too early?" I looked at her in disbelief.

She grabbed a birthday cap from her bag and put it on my head, did she hit her head somewhere in her sleep?

She took her phone out, "now blow the candles and cut the cake," she ordered.

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