"The friend"

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You wake up on Michaels bed you sit up and look around you look at the suitcases in your room confused then you remember the guy your eyes widen you get out of bed you run to the door and open it you run down the hall into the living room you stop in your tracks when you see Michael talking to the guy.

Michael gets up from his chair and asks "you ok you were out for awhile"? You shake your head yes while giving the guy a evil look Michael asks "(Y/n) this is my friend I wanna know how do you know him"? You shake your head and says "why don't you explain it to him Harvey".

Harvey looks surprised and explains "ok well me and her was friends after you left school I didn't have any friends well she got enrolled there and she was new well I was walking in the hallway and she bumped into me she said sorry I said it's ok then I asked who she was and she explained that she was new here so we became friends then I got feelings for her and it was awkward for me to be around her then I got the courage to ask her out she said yes and we were dating for 4 years and 11 months".

Michael looks at you both and asks "sooo you guys were together and broke up what's the point". You look at Michael and explain "well he proposed to me I obviously said yes but then his whole demeanor changed he saw someone behind me and when I was going to look behind me he grabbed my arm and said we need to go so we left and I asked him what that was about he tells me that his friend came back and he doesn't know about me and when I asked why he just stared at me blankly like I gave him a math equation to solve then he told me that I was going to leave him for his frie-".

Harvey interrupts and says "well you did you are married to him you have a daughter with him and the reason I broke the engagement off was because I was scared you were going to leave me for him".

You get angry and say raising your voice a bit "BACK THEN I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU NO ONE ELSE SO YOU GO AND TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF MAKING A DECISION THAT ISN'T EVEN RIGHT AND THE REASON WHY I'M WITH MICHAEL- wait what". Harvey says "yeah your married to him". You gulp and asks "Michael what is he talking about"? Michael looks at you and says "I'm sorry I didn't tell you".


Harvey stares at you in disbelief Michael walks over to you he hugs you and says "calm down its ok just calm down". You hug Michael back tightly he looks at you and says "baby whatever you and Harvey went through is in the past just give him a new slate and I'll talk to him about things". You smile and say "ok". He kisses your forehead and says "Felix is outside with Elizabeth go have fun". You say "ok I will".

You walk out of the living room giving Harvey the evil eye you then walk outside to Felix and Elizabeth "well I see your ok". Felix says surprised. You say "yeah I ummm yeah I am". Elizabeth gets up and walks over to you and says sadly "mommy you scared me".

You pick her up and say "it's ok I just fell asleep". Elizabeth lays her head on your shoulder you smile Felix gets up and asks "so how do you know the guy"? You look at him and says "he was my fiance but he cheated on me so that's why we're not together". Felix asks "well I know how that feels I know this isn't relatable but why are you passing out if I may ask and I know it's out of the blue but I can see it's worrying everyone"?

You shake your head no, you point at Elizabeth giving him a reassuring look and says "you mean why did I fall asleep". Felix asks "oh yeah why are you"? You sit in the chair holding Elizabeth and says "when I was born the cord was wrapped around my head tightly so they took it off and my head was alright but the cord was so tight it cut off circulation on the side of my head so when something traumatic happens I get overwhelmed and I just fall asleep aka". Looks at Elizabeth and mouths looking back at Felix "pass out". I then say "the condition I have is called Reflex syncope".

Felix says "well I asked because everyone is scared". You look confused and asks "what do you mean"? Felix looks down and says "well if something happens Michael might go to a dark place and go back to his old ways and Elizabeth might get scared just a lot of things will go back to the old ways and it's scary".

You jump when you hear "Felix shut up and (Y/n) you wanna know why I'm so gentle with you". You get up and turn around you see Michael he looks at you sadly and says "you wonder why I'm always having you calm down and protecting you that's why because before your mother died she told me why you pass out because I asked the same thing and you get mad at me for doing these things like protecting you and saving you that's why". You say "sorry I just thought you did those things because your used to it".

He walks over to you and hugs you he kisses Elizabeth's forehead and yours and says "I love my girls". You smile and say "I love you to". You look at Elizabeth and sees she's sleeping Michael takes her and says "I'm gonna put her to bed stay out here so you don't have to see Harvey".

You nod your head and you watch Michael go inside the house with Elizabeth, once their inside you turn around Felix asks "why does Elizabeth sleep alot out of nowhere"? I say looking at him "she doesn't have the same thing as me it's just a condition called lethargy it happened because something traumatizing happened when she was younger it mentally messed with her". He nods I ask "so what you wanna talk about or do"? Felix says "why don't we go for a walk". You say "ok one moment". You go inside to your room you see Michael "what are you doing"? Michael asks smiling at you.

You say smiling back "I'm going for a walk and I was going to change". He says "ok just be careful". You grab clothes from the drawer and goes in the bathroom you wear shorts with a t-shirt and regular shoes. You come out you grab your phone and leaves you go through the living room Michael grabs your arm and asks "is it around the block"? You look at him in confusion and asks "yes why wouldn't it be"? Michael hugs you and says "just be careful". You hug him back and says "I will I promise and if something happens I'll call or text you".

He kisses your forehead and says "ok I love you". You kiss his cheek and says "I love you to". You walk out and walks to Felix he asks "you ready now"? You say excitedly "yeah I'm ready". Felix walks to the gate and opens it you follow him he goes on the sidewalk and closes the gate you guys start walking Felix asks "so how did you and Michael meet"?

You tell him from the beginning and got to the end 3 hours later you find yourself sitting on a bench telling Felix how you met Michael then you realize the time and says "oh shit Michael is gonna be pissed".

You get up from the bench and runs to the house Felix follows you he opens the gate you run inside the house you see Michael sitting in the chair you feel guilty and your heart drops you say "Michael I'm sorry I was walking around the block and Felix asked me a question about how we met and I told him I hope your not mad at me". Michael gets up from the chair you get scared Felix comes in behind you and says "Michael it was my fault not hers".

You look at Michael's eyes and sees there green then you realize it's not Michael you say "Felix that's not Michael look at his eyes". Felix gets in front of you he walks towards the bedroom with you behind him you see Felix by the room you come from behind him and runs to the bedroom you open the door you walk in and screams.

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