Glimpse to the future

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Cari was waiting for Nala when she swam out of the throne room in a daze and didn't seem at all surprised at Nala's state. Apparently her mother threatening people was an everyday occurrence.

"I won't bother asking you how it went but don't get lazy on me now because we have things to do." With that Cari turned and swam away down the long hallway.

"Where are we going now?" Nala cried out after her retreating figure and didn't bother hiding the annoyance in her voice. Cari didn't answer and Nala grumbled something unpleasant under her breathe before following, whether she admitted it or not Cari was ten times better than her mother not that Nala would ever admit it. The other girl slowed down allowing Nala to catch up before speaking.

"We are going on a more extensive tour because I am not going to baby you until you figure out how everything works here. We'll start with the housing and I'll show you were your room is again so you won't get lost."

They left the castle behind and swam towards the low buildings nestled into the sand where other girls swam in and out of.

"This is the boarding for the younger sirens who still have training to do. It's close to the training ground which works well. There are buildings on both sides but yours is on the other side. Come on." Again Cari led the way and Nala struggled to catch up and ask some questions.

"You said they are called sirens. Is that what you are? What I am?" Nala asked between panting breaths.

Cari nodded, "Sirens are sea creatures that to must people above are just myths and legends. For the most part we let them believe but there are cities who did not forget the stories." A wicked little smirk spread across Cari's face and Nala wondered what it meant but waited to see if she would say more.

"Sirens have long ruled the sea. It was said the first siren was created out of sea foam from the sea god himself as hunters and beasts —" Nala snorted interrupting the story and causing the other girl to glare.

"Hunters and Beasts? Yes I can see how making men and woman alike drool over you would be so dangerous." Nala scoffed but Cari wasn't upset, she stopped and turned to face her.

"We are hunters, we don't have training grounds to practice being devastatingly beautiful," she turned back around but paused to say over her shoulder, "although if we did you could benefit from a few lessons." Nala gritted her teeth but continued to follow Cari.

They swam farther away from the housing where more elaborate buildings replaced the basic stone buildings. These rose up in spires, some even looked like shells Nala and Ula used to collect on the beaches.

"These are the housing for the older members of our clan. There's also libraries, shops such as weaponry and clothing, and music halls." Libraries, they had libraries here. Nala wondered how they would have books underwater and she knew she would find out soon, she couldn't resist a good story even after all this time, Grandfather would be beside himself. A quick short pang hit in her right in the chest but she pushed it away and swam after Cari who had already moved on. Cari showed her not just the city the sirens had built for themselves but also the natural wonders of the sea, pointing out coral reefs, trenches so dark your eyes would hurt just looking at them, huge gardens of seaweed and kept that floated all the way up to the surface. As they continued Cari began again the history of sirens, created by a very old sea god and treated as minors for a long time. When the gods disappeared they evolved until they became intelligent creatures able to govern themselves and elect a leader to follow. They created this city as a safe haven but never forget the men above who had hunted their kind for sport and now they did the same.

It was at this part of the story that Nala could not take it anymore. Sirens hunting men? Bringing down entire ships and drowning cities with what power? Nala was as useless down here as she was in the surface unable to protect herself when the villagers had thrown her in jail, unable to find her sister or her father, unable to help her mother.

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