Chapter 2

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To Lola's utter dismay, Julian lifted his hand from her mouth and she released the breath she didn't even know she was holding.

Her shoulders slumped in relief and she nearly collapsed to the floor but then she realized that she wasn't dreaming and Julian was still standing in front of her.

Six foot two Julian with the build of a linebacker, dripping wet from head to toe, towering over her. And the worst part was that they were alone at home. If she were to scream for bloody mercy there would be no one who would hear here, especially not in this weather.

"Please don't kill me. I swear I didn't do it," Lola begged profusely and Julian frowned.

A frown. That couldn't be good. Maybe she wasn't being genuine enough.

"I swear! It wasn't me. I'm just a nobody," She continued to buy her time as she contemplated if she would be able to run out to her room and grab her phone.

"Lola, I'm not here to kill you. And I don't care about whatever it is you did. I just needed to get out of the rain." Julian's voice was hoarse and scratchy. It sounded like he hadn't used it in years.

Lola stood frozen in shock at his response. She was utterly embarrassed at the fact that the only thing on her mind at that very moment was the fact that Julian Grey remembered who she was.

Out of all things she should be panicking about, here she was thinking about this.

"Why did you come here? How did you get in?" She murmured, eyeing him cautiously. There were many a times Lola would find herself admiring him in school hallways, where everyone was too busy to catch a wandering eye.

Julian was handsome, there was no denying it but it was his uncaring, reckless behavior that got him the most attention in school. Girls scavenged for his attention, boys wanted to befriend him whilst the teachers took turns to send him to detention.

Whether they loved him or hated him, everyone knew who Julian Grey was and that was before he became infamous for murdering two of his schoolmates.

But right now the longer Lola stared at him the more she realized how pale his lips were and how the dark circles under is eyes made him look like a zombie.

Julian looked like crap. He looked malnourished and miserable and his clothes were ripped at the edges. She didn't even want to think about how long he'd been wearing those.

"H-how did you get in?" She repeated softly when he didn't answer.

"I used to live on this street, remember?" His eyes sparkled and just like that, like a switch, his charm was on in full force and despite his unkempt appearance, Lola had to force herself to focus.

She remembered the days when Julian still lived two doors down. Back when he was chubby, young and cheerful. Back when they used to be friends, playing hide and seek in the local playground with Nalini and Hannah.

That was before middle school, before his parents divorce that resulted in him moving out and before he ultimately changed into someone bitter and angry with the world, someone she barely recognized.

"Julian, you broke into my house. In the middle of the night. What the hell are you doing here?" Lola was finally able to gather her thoughts into a proper sentence and Julian's frightened expression made her feel like a teacher scolding a student.

"My parents will be home any minute now," She added unnecessarily. He had already backed away from her. He had sunk to the floor and now he was rubbing his eyes, looking exhausted.

Lola eyed him warily. She took one step to the right, ready to make a beeline for the phone on her bed.

"I didn't do it," Julian whimpered.

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