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"Rosie wait!" I hear a familiar voice calling me which brings my steps to a halt. I turn around and see Jackson running towards me. He stands in front of me, panting softly.

"Rosie, what's the matter? Why're you leaving so early?" He asks me with his big brown eyes. He looks like a lost puppy with those orbs. I smile softly at him and pinch his cheeks.

"You're so cute, Jackson. I could just adopt you." I say while giving him a nice loud kiss on the cheek. He pulls me closer and rests his hand on my waist.

"Don't deviate from the topic. Tell me, why did you leave so early? You know I have practice today, and you always waited till I was over with it." He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I just........I was feeling blue." I say lowly, placing my forehead on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and strokes my hair.

"What happened, Rosie? Did someone hurt you? Tell me who hurt you, I'm gonna shove their head up their ass." He says, belligerently.

"No, honey. No one hurt me." I say giggling. I give his cheek a light pat to cool his anger down, which worked eventually.

"Then what's the matter? I can't see you being so sad. It hurts me." He says, resting his forehead against mine.

"I got a B for biology." I say, letting out a quiet sigh. Jackson moves his forehead away from mine to have a better look at me. He looks at me as if I've grown two heads.

"What? You got a B for biology and you're sad because of that?" He asks, discombobulated.

"Well, yeah. I've never gotten a B! I'm a straight A student. Daddy's going to be upset with me." I mumble, playing with the buttons of his shirt. Suddenly, I feel his chest vibrating and I look up to see him trying to stifle his laughter. I slap his chest and whine.

"It's not funny, Jackson! I'm very serious here. I am such a disappointment."

"Jesus, Rosie! Talk about being a disappointment." He scoffs. I inwardly cringe at what he said. Jackson and his father didn't have a very healthy relationship. Mr Black would make sure that he proved how big of a disappointment his son was. I personally, loathed Mr Black. Jackson is a very sweet person and he does not deserve to be treated that way, especially by his parent.

"Is there anyone at home?" He asks while adjusting the collar of my shirt.

"No. Why?" I ask him sceptically.

"Good! Because we are going to get some ice cream." He says, beaming at me. I shake my head, declining his offer. Before I could speak, he smashes his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I moan into the kiss and fist his shirt. He pulls away and places a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"I'm not going to hear a 'No'. I'll be right back, I gotta get my bike." He says, looking down at me. I hold on to his strong arm, to stop him from walking away.

"What about your soccer practice? I'm sure you don't want to miss that." I say. He looks at me as if I was the most stupid person he has ever met.

"You really think that I'm gonna choose that stupid ass soccer practice over my Rosie?"

"Hello, Mrs Harper." Jackson greets my mom as he takes her into a tight hug. Now, that is very strange. How is he not weirded out when he hugs my mom? Why is it just my touches that he cannot bear? Well, I can't deny the fact that my mom does give the best hugs. Maybe that might be the reason why he's so comfortable with her. But still, a slight pat from my side makes him run a mile away from me.

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