22. nothing to say

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          After work that day, JJ awaited Jasmine and Ingrid's arrival in her driveway. They hung out in JJ's house for a bit in order to make a plan of action, eventually hitting the road sometime before ten. With JJ driving, her ambition naturally kept them greatly over the speed limit during their journey to Spencer Reid's apartment. Jasmine and Ingrid didn't question this, though. Being around that girl was making them equally as fired up.

          They staked out in the parking lot of the apartment complex, far enough away from the entrance so their hiding spot wasn't visible, but close enough to get a view. Jasmine crawled her way in between JJ and Ingrid up front, leaning her body invasively over the console. Squinting, she commented about her need for visual assistance.

          "You don't need binoculars to see that there's nothing happening yet," Ingrid reminded her airhead of a friend, Jasmine groaning with distaste in return.

          "Hey, you guys," JJ stopped what might have turned into a mini argument. She pointed towards a grey sedan pulling into a spot before the entrance to the building. "That's his car."

JJ was right, for after the car parked, out emerged Spencer from the driver's seat. He was dressed up, clearly coming from what the women could assume was a classy, birthday dinner. The genius circled the front of his car, making his way to open the passenger's side. He pulled the door open, allowing Francesca to step outside. He offered his hand to her, to which she took willingly and helped herself out of the car. They exchanged a few words, ending with a kiss on Spencer's cheek from Francesca before making their way to the front doors.

"Holy crap," Jasmine gasped, unsure of her shock. "I know we knew this already, but this shit is still wild."

While Ingrid talked Jasmine off her baffled ledge, JJ decided that she couldn't sit still any longer. She ripped off her seatbelt, throwing her door open.

Ingrid and Jasmine both stopped their banter, eyes racing to JJ's whereabouts. "Wha–where are you going?" Ingrid stumbled over her words. "We got them already!"

JJ was far in front of her car, making a beeline for the building doors, when Ingrid tried to object. Jasmine smacked Ingrid, the blonde shrieking in return. "Go! Go get her!" Jasmine yelled.

"Me?!" Ingrid cried. "I can't control her when she's mad! Come with me!"

"Ugh," Jasmine groaned, scrambling to the driver's seat for a way out. "This is not going to be good."


Whenever JJ visited Spencer's apartment, she always felt a sense of security. He was one of her best friends, so she often found herself stopping by. However, as she stomped through the hallways on route to his apartment, she felt everything but comfort. The feeling of trustworthy friendship was overpowered with irrational rage as her fist uncontrollably slammed on the door to 23.

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