Chapter 50

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I woke up feeling extremely sick. I damn near was gonna make us late to the airport because I couldn't stop throwing up. I really didn't wanna ruin our vacation so I tried to hide this as best as I could. I was starting to have other thoughts right now and I was hoping it wasn't.

I came out the bathroom and got dress really quick before Martavion got back from putting our stuff in the Uber downstairs.

Bae you ready.?! His loud mouth asked. It was 6am and he was up and alert. After I tapped out from all the sex we was having I fell asleep so fast and than I got so pissed when I heard that alarm go off.

Yeah.! I'm just making sure we got everything. I said picking up our garment bags.

You good.?! He asked grabbing my face looking in my eyes.

I don't know. I'm just tired. I said yawning.

Well we got a long flight so you can sleep on the plane. He said taking the bags out my hands.

Lani pulled up and got out the car so she can take my dress and his tux home for us. She gave me the bag I asked her for and I put it in my purse. "Have a safe flight Mag..."

Aht Aht Aht.! It's Mrs Jackson.! I said correcting her making her bus out laughing.

Oweee you couldn't wait to say that.! She said laughing.

Mrs Jackson lets goooooo.! Martavion yelled closing the trunk.

I'm coming.! I said rolling my eyes. I opened the back door and gave my baby a bunch of kisses. I was not ready to be away from her for a whole week. I think I might actually cry. "I pumped so much milk and froze it. If that runs out there's cans of formula at the house V can get it for you. Also make sure she has her tummy time, and her baby foods are labeled and how to pure the regular food for her. She can eat that three times a day.!"

Magic I got it.! She laughed. "You just make sure you tell me the results please.!"

Let's goooo.! Martavion said pulling away. "Daddy love you princess.!" He said before kissing Majesty bye and we got in the car. I waved bye as our Uber drove off.

We should of brought her with us.! I said sad looking at my home screen.

To hell we shouldn't of.! We need this vacation and she just gone get in the way of me getting my son.!

Oh god.!

Uhun god ain't got nun to do with this.!

Our driver pulled up to the airport and we got out. Martavion got our bags and we went to go check in. We got through TSA pretty quickly and went to Tim Hortons this coffee shop for coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I got an orange juice and a donut with extra vanilla frosting on it. I licked all the frosting off and threw the donut in the garbage. I made Martavion get up and go to one of the stores and buy me two orange juices before our plane bored. I was getting sick already before we even boreded.

Martavion snuggled up against me and got ready to go to sleep. All he did was sleep he pretty much wanted to fuck and sleep and that's it.

My mind was stuck on one thing and one thing only and I was having mixed emotions about it. I know sometimes I get nauseous and sick when my period suppose to come. But after having Majesty my body's been a little messed up and I never paid attention because my main focus was always on my daughter. I don't even remember getting a married since we started having sex again. And I know my nervous been bad since it was getting closer and closer to the wedding. I just thought all this was just normal. But I keep feeling sick and he keep sleeping.

Our plane landed in Jamaica and I was so tired my mind was wondering so I didn't really get any sleep. I wanted to slap Martavion for snoring in my damn ears so loud.

We made it to our resort and got to our rooms. I ran to shower and he ordered room service. I wasn't feeling good at all and I just wanted to lay down. I opened the door coming out the bathroom and Martavion was leaning against the wooden frame by the stairs across from the bathroom doors with a smirk on his face with his arms folded.

What the fuck.! I yelled because he scared me. He started laughing like the shit was funny. "I hate you.!?" I said rolling my eyes.

You love me. He smirked. "So when you wanna tell me.?!" He asked kissing his teeth.

Tell you what.?! I asked confused going down the hall as he followed. He stood in the door way of the room with his hands touching the top of the door frame.

That you pregnant.?! He asked with laughter in his voice.

You was in my purse.?1 I asked throwing my towel at him.

So you are.? What's in your purse.?! He asked laughing blocking the door way.


Yeah okay.! He took off running down the hall like a kid. I tried to chase after him but I damn near was about to slip and bus my ass.! I could see him going through my purse as I stood watching him over the balcony.

Your fuckin annoying.! I yelled at him giving him the finger.

And you slow as fuck.! He yelled back laughing.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the room. I sat on the bed putting lotion down and I could hear this fool on the damn phone. He done called about three people already and told them I'm pregnant and he having a son. Soooo annoying.!

Now what if I'm not even pregnant.! I said snatching the box out his hands as he sat in the arm of the couch calling his next victim.

Oh sweetheart the way I been bussing in you, if you wasn't already you damn sure is now.! He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom down here. I closed and locked the door. I don't know why I was so nervous to pee on this stickZ I had to use it so bad but I just sat here looking at it. I was scared to take it.

I sat the test on the sink and washed my hands. I stood facing away from it biting my nails. I was starting to shake.

I opened the door and Martavion was standing at the bottom steps as I came out smiling hard as fuck.

I don't know what the fuck you so happy for.! I said rolling my eyes. I slapped the test in his chest and walked away from him standing by the tv.

MY SON.!!!! He yelled in happinesssssssss running to me picking me up swinging me around making me laugh. That's right boys and girls two solid lines, a positive pregnancy test.! Another baby.! "I knew it.! I knew it.! I was wondering why all I wanted to do was sleep.!" He said happily. He grabbed his phone calling his mom holding the test in the air and they both started screaming so happy. I shook my head in laughter.

You gone be mad if it's a girl.! I smirked walking into the kitchen.

No you gone be mad cause ima put one right back in you.!

Martavion please go to the hottest part of hell and stay there.!

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