Chapter 15 - The Announcement

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Guthrie felt her room an empty void, she had slept a sleepless night and spent most of the morning lying in her bed. So she was grateful when Dahlia came into her dorm.

"Lia, how are you holding up?"

Dahlia sighed and sat down next to Guthrie on her bed. "I could ask you the same."

"You could," Guthrie pointed out, "But you won't because you're a good friend."

Dahlia laughed and Guthrie found it hard not to as well, the warm noise filling the room. Dahlia was nervous. Curious. Excited. Worried. Guthrie could feel it in the air, the consistent beating of energy around her.

"What is it?" She asked.

She reached behind her neck and unclasped her necklace, handing it out to her. It was beautiful Guthrie realised, it was a golden circle, with a ruby centre, though that ruby was now a pinkish colour instead of a deep red.

Dahlia sighed and said, "My grandmother, Avita, gave it to me."

Guthrie nodded. Dahlia was a guardian, her grandmother the last we had known of. Guardians were direct descendants of Evka, and were very rare and powerful. But Dahlia had not yet shown any signs of wielding the life power.

"It was always so beautiful, and I think, when I came here, it's starting to fade, I know, it's stupid, I just really wanted to keep it how it was, I don't want it to be destroyed..."

Avita had gone missing, Dahlia had told Guthrie so herself, and this was probably the only thing left. Though Guthrie did not remember her own grandmother, she knew Dahlia was raised by hers.

"What's stupid is coming to me about this," She said with a laugh, "You probably know more than I do, though I do know where to get help."


"Smile. Remember these people are not merciful. Do not slip up,"

Marina whispered to Lana. They were both sitting in a carriage, one of Marina's men driving. The carriage was white with intricate golden swirls and Lana did not have to ask where she had gotten it from.

Their carriage was one of many others rolling into the freshly mown grass into the Magnolia Manor. It is the day of the Carnation Masquerade Ball, which creates a perfect cover for her.

Lana steps out of the carriage like many other spirits, the young and old, men and woman alike. They all walk in a graceful manner towards the manor, where valets are waiting to welcome them. Lana looks back at Marina who looks at Lana carefully, "Be careful and good luck,"

Lana walks with her chin up, her shoulders back, and her hands clasped in front of her like Marina had showed her. She reaches the steps, where there are two families and two other girls her age walking towards the entrance.


Lana looked back to see a valet looking at her expectantly. Lana lifted her chin a little higher and said loudly for everyone around her to hear,

"Lady Adamina Hyacinth,"

He smiled tightly, and Lana wondered if she'd been caught, but he merely nodded his head and Lana walked through the entrance.

The Carnation Ball, is an annual event, held in honour of all Earth Spirits, hosted by the most powerful and respected Earth Spirit. This year it is the Mangolia family. The room is abuzz with different spirits, all along the edges are plates and plates of exotic foods, and waiters hurry to and fro the mingling spirits, offering drinks and snacks.

At the front is the earth jewel, in a glass box which is exactly what Lana is after. Get the jewel and go. But the box isn't only what stops her. The jewel is the spectacle of the ball, and people crowd around it.

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