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So we didn't end up having sex, much to my disappointment. Mackenzie thought it was too fast, didn't want me to rush into anything. She also didn't want to do 'it' completely off the cuff and with her brother in the house, which I understand and completely respect.

Doesn't mean that my raging hormones calmed down and I suddenly wasn't hörny.

April and Faye knew that I had gone out with her over the weekend, and they knew that we'd gone on a date. So their incessant questioning didn't stop for a whole two days before they realised some things I wanted to keep to myself, and the happenings of that date were for Mackenzie and I to know, and us only.

A part of me didn't want to tell them that I had a girlfriend, simply because I couldn't trust them to keep quiet. It's not that I don't trust them generally, it's just that April has a habit of being a blabber mouth and she blurts things out she's not supposed to. It's always accidental, and I know she feels bad about it afterwards, but I don't want to risk being forced out of the closet by an accidental slip of the tongue.

Plus, the much larger, selfish part of me wants to remain in this bubble with Mackenzie for a little bit longer, just the two of us.

The weeks went by pretty quickly, soccer practice and homework filling up both of our times to the point we barely saw each other outside of school.

My parents were also barely around, their work life massively outweighing the responsibilities being a parent carries. I can't blame them, my father was planning a massive piggyback surgery, and my mother had landed one of the biggest cases of her career. Now that my brother and I are older, I know they want to let their careers take the front seat. Only problem is, I've been in the backseat my entire life. The only things that makes this more apparent is the fact that Will isn't here anymore to distract me from how alone I actually feel in my own house.

Because of this depressing fact, I spent most of my time after school in my old Japanese hideout, Gina helping me with my homework whenever she could, feeding me unholy amounts of sushi and teriyaki until I felt a food baby growing. Whenever the restaurant got quiet, she'd come and sit with me and talk to me about school and soccer and Mackenzie, questions I hadn't even been asked my own parents in god knows how long.

It felt nice, having someone ask about how I was doing and what I was doing with my life. I couldn't remember the last time I got to whine about how soccer training was gruelling and how my history teacher was busting my ass with additional work.

I almost felt like I had a parent.

The bell rings and snaps me from my bittersweet reverie, my eyes looking up from the work I've been completing for the past half hour. My teacher, Mr. Sampson, is reminding us to all make our choices for the senior trip before the end of the week, his eyes settling into a pointed stare at myself as I shrink into my seat.

I haven't been able to make my mind up between Miami and the Rockies, between sun and sand and skiing and snow, my friends and Mackenzie. I know that everyone on the soccer team has put down Miami, wanting to get their tan on before the state championships. They want all of the seniors on the team to go, kind of like a last meet before we part ways at the end of the school year. They definitely want their captain there.

The only thing stopping me is how desperate I am to go away with just my girlfriend. Mackenzie hasn't mentioned the trip to me since we spoke about it, and I know she's waiting on me to decide where we go before she puts her name down for anything. I bite my lip as I think about how we'd share a room and all of the stuff we could do without all of our friends hounding us for details, or sending us knowing smirks when we look at each other for too long.

Better Than Milkshakes, Better Than Boys (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now