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The noise in the nurses room quiets as the door slides open. The silence is soon forgotten when your cousin pokes his head in and with Tendou yelling Wakatoshi's name the conversation commences once more only to stop once again when Inarizaki walks in from behind Wakatoshi.

"L/N san, I would like to apologize on behalf of my teammate." You only blink at the unknown male, you saw him outside sure. But you have no actual idea who he is.

You let out an awkward chuckle seeing the dual haired male. "Not to be rude," you feel a small bead of sweat slip down your temple before resting mid cheek "...But who are you all?"

The male's eyes widen as if realizing he totally forgot that important part of the whole ordeal, before going back to his normal blank expression. Or at least that's what you can assume is his normal expression from what you have seen so far.

The whole of Inarizaki introduces themselves the dual haired male going last. "...And I am Kita Shinsuke. Third year and captain."

"Oh," your eyes slide over to Osamu before you look back at the captain. Osamu, seeing the look of mischief in your eyes, bristles. He's seen that look on Atsumu way too many times, he knows it's trouble. Kita however does not see it all Kita sees is a poor boy whom one of his club members helped injure. "Then your the guy 'Samu said was really mean and a pain in the ass?"

You grinned as Kita turned to Osamu with an unamused look. This was for your sweet sweet pocky.


You let out a small huff as you bring your leg up your hands reaching upwards to grasp onto your ankle. Pointing your toe and counting to ten you release and bring your leg down only to do the same thing on the opposite appendage.

"Are you do yet? You've been stretching for the past ten minutes." Tendou whines as he tugs on his jacket sleeves.

You all were at the ice rink built into Shiratorizawa (because of course they have one), because Washijou sensei wanted to see your skills on the ice.

And while it irritated you some you knew you had no room to deny him this. Although you were confused as to why he decided to have you do this while Inarizaki was still here.

You, Atsumu, and Wakatoshi had to head out soon in order to catch your train so everyone who wanted to watch you skate had to wake up obscenely early. Everyone stayed the night in Shiratorizawa's dorms. Apparently Shiratorizawa and Inarizaki was going to play one more practice match before Inarizaki had to leave.

"N/N chan, hurry it upppppp." Tendou whines out once more and you can't but shoot the pouting red head an annoyed glance.

"Senpai, you rushing me is just distracting and it makes me feel the need to re-start. Please just wait, i am almost finished after all."

Tendou seems to perk up at that "Really!" And with that he finally quiets and you let out a relived sigh. Happy you can get back to stretching.

"Y/N kun~" You let out a deep sigh before turning to the blond second year, a shit eating grin on his face. "I don't mind ya stretching, in fact ya can do it as long as ya please~" You raise an eyebrow at Atsumu and turn to his twin, a bowl of rice and egg in his hand, where he got it from you have no idea.

"He's staring at yer ass." Osamu deadpans his gaze dropping before he gives an appreciative nod "But I can't blame him."

It seems Tendou took more offense to the twins words than you did as the third year let's out an offended gasp. "Don't you two dare defile my precious N/N chan!"

"Are just going to stand their talking or are you going to show us what we all came here for?!" Used to the yelling coach you unzip your light warm-up jacket and toss it over to Tendou.

"Please press play." You tell the coach as you skate to the middle of the rink.

As the music starts, so do you.

Once again the way you move along the ice draws in yet another group of volleyball boys. Your fluid motions across the ice and in the air seemed to put the players in a trance. Even Washijou sensei, and who you assumed to be Inarizaki's coach seemed amazed. The song comes to an end and as it does you land back on the ice before extending your back leg and just as the music shuts off you slow to a stop.

All is silent for a few seconds until loud clapping arises. Looking in the direction you see that it's Tendou clapping for you and as you glance over he yells out complements. You turn away from the red haired male as your cheeks turn pink at the complements.

"Tendou senpai, please calm down. It's not all that serious. Things like this is what I practice for."

"Look at little N/N chan, getting embarrassed are we~?"

You only blush more at being caught "Senpai please--"

"Y/N. Atsumu san, we have to go." Both you and Atsumu give your attention to Wakatoshi. Atsumu checks the time before nodding.

"Ah, okay. Let me get out of these skates." You skate over to the penalty box  and swap your skates for uwagutsu.

Skates still in your hands you furrow your brows seeing Wakatoshi struggling to stand on the ice. You exit the box and glide over to the male.

"Wakatoshi, why are you on the ice?" You ask using your available hand to try and steady the muscled male.

"Atsumu san said it would beneficial to get you from the other side of the rink. Going across was the fastest way."

You shoot a glare to the smirking blond, you know well enough that this was one of his stupid jokes.

"It's not safe for you to be on the ice in uwagutsu, you're not as experienced as me on the ice."

Wakatoshi nods "I see. But may I take your ice skates, I can return them to the desk."

"Please do. I still need to grab my bag, I left it in the back room."

You lead Wakatoshi out of the rink before you turn back around and skate back to the penalty box and exit to the room in back of it where you left your duffel bag.

Once you grab your duffel bag and glide back to the other side of the rink where Atsumu is waiting.

"Ya ready?"

"Mhm, we should go to the front since that's where the desk is."

"Y/N." You and Atsumu both stop and turn to the coach at hearing Washijou sensei's voice. Atsumu places his hands in his pockets as you give the coach a curious look. "You skate well."

"Yeah," You nod "It's kind of a requirement to be on the U-19 team." And with that you and Atsumu both turn around and continue on to the exit.

I need to actually finish the anime's i start 🥱

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now