Sparks and Heartbeats

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"So you got your eye on any girl?" Steve asked as Billy took a sip of his beer.

"No." Billy drifted off looking at Veronica. All the girls in school were terrified of him.

"Well there's plenty of bitches in the sea. I'll be sure to leave you some." Steve mockingly grinned and nudged Billy. Billy glared at Steve, now on the other side of the phrase. Billy was feeling the burn.

Their conversation ended when they heard an argument between Nancy and Veronica. Nancy was drunk, too far gone to reason with. Veronica tried to take Nancy's car keys to drive her home, but Nancy made a scene and embarrassed Veronica. Then Nancy pushed Veronica, who fell backwards, hitting her head on the edge of the pool, and fell into the water. Billy gasped, he heard Veronica's head  hit the ground, loudly. A few seconds past and blood began to fill the pool. When Veronica still hadn't submerged Steve began to panic. 

"Veronica!" Steve yelled, running to the pool, but Billy was faster and jumped in. He found the girl nearly unconscious and a lot of blood was gushing out of her head. (honestly I'm imagining total eclipse of the heart playing lightly in the background right now.) He wrapped his arms around her, and felt a shock, and them warmth, but Billy ignored this out of urgency. He lifted her head above water making it to the edge of the shallow end of the pool, leaning her on the edge, and quickly performed CPR. When Billy gave mouth to mouth resuscitation, he felt another shock, but only stronger, and the strangest thing happened. His heart started to beat, until he pulled away. 

Veronica coughed up water, and opened her eyes. She was panting from a lack of oxygen and her senses were slowed. She was in shock due to her head injury that she couldn't panic about the fact that Billy Hargrove was holding her.

Billy lifted her entire body onto the edge of the pool and lifted himself out of the pool, and crouched down to her form.

"Quick, bring a towel!" Billy said, turning towards Steve, who stood in panic. "Now! She's losing too much blood." Billy said urgently and Steve ran and grabbed a towel.

Billy looked down at Veronica.

"Can you tell me what your name is?" Billy asked to see if she suffered any brain related injuries.

"V-Veronica." Veronica moaned out in pain. Billy smiled, genuinely at her response to him, but it faded when he saw her painful expression. Steve handed Billy a towel, and Billy applied pressure to the open wound on her head. 

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Billy asked Steve. 

"It's inside." Steve answered.

Billy lifted Veronica in his arms and felt the same shocking sensation again. Robin opened the sliding door, and Billy walked in, laying Veronica on the kitchen island. The kids who were sitting in the living room watching a movie heard the commotion. Max saw Billy covered in blood.

"Billy, what happened?" Max asked, worried that Billy might have harmed the girl or tried to take a bite out of her. 

"Stay out of the kitchen, Max. She hit her head, I don't want you to see this. " Billy said, as Robin held the kids back in the living room, as they tried to peek at the scene.

Steve came from the bathroom with a first aid kit. Slowly Billy released the towel, and saw that the wound was still bleeding. He couldn't see how bad the wound was because of the blood. He quickly cleaned the blood and checked the wound. it was deep. Billy sterilized the wound and tried to wrap gauze around her head, and applied pressure again. Billy look at Steve, he was terrified. Billy was also terrified, for some reason he was afraid of the girl being harmed, but what also terrified him was her blood. She smelled amazing to Billy especially her blood.

"Call hopper, and 911, her injury is serious." Billy said not looking away from Veronica, who just stared into his eyes, still in shock. That was when Steve began to tremble and tears entered his eyes. He ran to the kitchen phone, and called Hopper.

Somehow Eleven got passed Robin and slowly made her way next to Billy. Eleven looked at Veronica and then Billy and a surprised look appeared on her face. 

"She makes your heartbeat." She said, and Billy looked at Eleven in shock, then a single tear rolled down his eye, and he smiled genuinely again and laughed.

"Yes." He said softly. "Yes she does." He said looking down at Veronica, smiling at her. 'Please. Please don't leave me.' Billy thought, and at that thought, Billy knew she had to be his.

Hopper arrived shortly after with paramedics. Billy brought Veronica to the front of the house, and to the paramedics, who started putting IV in her. Hopper turned to Billy and Steve.

"What happened?!" Hopper boomed in anger to the two guys, but was looking at Billy. Billy remained silent.

"She hit her head. She fell into the pool and Billy saved her" Steve said. Hopper looked at Billy and arched a brow. 

"Alright. Good job, Billy. Looks like if you weren't there, she might not have made it." Hopper said grimly. The words made Billy's stomach drop. The paramedic went up to the group.

"She has a concussion, no signs of amnesia, but she's going to need x-rays. We're taking her to the hospital." The paramedic stated. Hopper nodded.

"I'll be right behind you. Boys watch El and the kids until I come back." Hopper said. Billy saw Veronica being brought into the ambulance car, and felt panic set in.

"Wait! I'm going with her!" Billy said as Hopper and Steve gave him a weird look. Billy ran into the back of the ambulance, sitting next to Veronica, who was trying her best to stay awake. Billy stared down at Veronica, and grabbed her hand, feeling more sparks and his heart began to beat.

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