(45) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

The waiter ushered me through the crowded tables and service personnel taking and delivering orders for exquisitely attired couples probably enjoying the night. Chandeliers hang low from the beautifully painted ceiling and make the restaurant sparkle.

I was led to the booth at the back of the restaurant. A lot quieter and a lot more private. Although there were other couples cozied in their booths, the dim lights had each of them minding their own business. Not that any of them would dare look away from their dates.

They all shared secret smiles. Women had that love-struck look on their well made-up faces.

Secretly, a shard of envy sank to my chest. I may have had that same look myself in the past few weeks. Now I'm even more determined to get it back.

We walked on until we reached the far end corner and I saw Owen so artfully dressed. He was wearing a suit.

Owen stood up, his smile faltering when he took a good look at me. It was clear that he was expecting bubbly Kathie in one if her designer dress she would usually pair with sky-high heels and then a designer bag on her arm.

A stab made my breathing paused.

I realized looking good was the least of my priorities. He was expecting the same Kathie in the sapphire-blue silk dress he had a reunion with at the party.

My heart ached a little. He hadn't even crossed my mind when I picked the dress. I was completely wrapped around another man's finger. And not just another man.

It was my handsome neighbor whom I ran into in the halls tonight – he was coming in as I was going out. That one man whom I wanted to run to because I've been missing him. The man whose eyes I couldn't read any longer but wanted to fathom anyways because I know there's more to him than dark-rimmed glasses.

I ran a hand on my jean-clad thigh. I could read the slightest disappointment in Owen's face and that made me feel even more determined. I gulped hard, waiting to feel disappointment too. But I only felt guilt.

Guilty because, true, I've been thinking about tonight, but not for giddy reasons. Not for the same reasons he had an excited flare in his eyes.

I was there because I'm ending it all.

Owen extended a hand toward me and pulled me in for a kiss. I subtly turn my head at the very last minute so the kiss lands on my cheek. He hadn't noticed it was intentional.

He pulled my chair and helped me in, the disappointment subsiding now that I was seated across from him. He smiles but says nothing. No traditional "you look beautiful, babe." routine.

Not that I was expecting to look my best in jeans and a buttoned blouse.

He shifted in his seat and look over to me. "You had a hectic day?"

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