Chapter Twenty-Five: Riley Everett

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Today is the day.

Ah shit, I can't believe I have to sneak onto a fucking boat in the middle of nowhere with C4 on it and try to not die. How is that fair?

I've been pacing for the last hour, going over the plan in my head time and time again. I've spent the last two weeks fucking around. Well fucking Boulder but not the point. We've spent basically everyday together, when I'm not training the women I'm with him. Talking, eating, laughing and, of course, fucking.

I'm gonna miss him when I leave but it's fine, I'll be coming back in a few weeks anyway. I did promise besides the organisation will owe me after everything I've done for them. Johnson managed to find the specs of the boat and everything in every storage container on board from the computer we hacked.

We also know that there are eighteen French ops on there and only seven crew members. Hopefully, they will have grouped the crew together but there obviously has to be engineers to keep an eye on the engine which is well below deck and then the captain and the other people who drive the boat will be in the cabin above deck.

Meaning, I have to kill every French op on board. Johnson sent me pictures of the crew so I don't kill the wrong people and I've memorised them because I really don't like the idea of killing an innocent. Still, even though I'm prepared, I would've loved more time.

Even if it was just to spend with Boulder. I'll probably be leaving tomorrow which means I'll have to say goodbye and I hate goodbyes. "Snap the fuck out of it, Riles. No time, we have to move." I tell myself, pointing at the mirror and glaring at myself.

What has my life come to?

I check all my person for all my weapons before I leave, I've gone in unprepared before and that's just not fun. I have two pistols, both with suppressors, a garotte for particularly feisty opponents and a few daggers. I wanted to bring grenades but since that would just trigger the C4, Johnson said no.

I pick up my sniper rifle and sling the bag over my back before heading downstairs. I ditched my Aston knowing that MI6 provided it and I don't wanna know what the moles will do if they figure out what I'm doing. I've loaded all my things into this shitty little Ford I bought after selling the other one so that if they decide to rig my flat with explosives, I'll at least have all my stuff.

I left my work phone in there but I have my personal on me. I know MI6 don't know about this one as only my family members, Johnson and Chief have that number. The Riders call me on the other one, even Boulder.

I start the drive and look over at the compound as I pass with sad eyes. Ugh, I'm acting like I'm going to my death. I blare my hype up music on the way just to get rid of the 'meh' feeling and I find myself getting excited. I know, morbid but what choice do I have?

I chug a Monster when I pull up in the space close enough to the harbour that I don't have to walk far and nobody would suspect it. Now, it's nine o'clock at night on Tuesday, the boat is due to dock exactly six hours from now which means I have to ride out to it.

I lay my rifle on a speedboat that I'm stealing before jumpstarting the engine and untying it. I fly off and click my comms on so Johnson can tell me which way I'm going. He directs me perfectly and I turn off the engine so that they don't hear me coming. I drop the anchor and fix my rifle bag to my shoulders.

It's in a waterproof bag so I can swim to the ship and climb the fucking side of it. Yes, you heard me right, climb it. Johnson gave me some tech, well the fucker made me make it from stuff I had to buy with my own money not the company credit card. I best get reimbursed for it because turns out tech shit is expensive.

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