11. Hurtful truth

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Her mother's eyes turned sadder at the mention of her decreased son and his last wish.

"I know how you feel." Her mother said.

"Let me tell you a story, honey."

Alice nodded.

"Long before you were born, the royal family would send out knights every year to search for you fathers bonded, just like when you and Parcival were younger."

"Back then I used to live on my parents farm, like I've told you before. When the drawing of his mark finally made it to our little village I was already 15 years old. I was so joyous, that I finally found my bonded, but I was also scared, because he was the heir to the throne."

Alice smiled. She'd never heard this story, but she knew that her mother used to live on a farm.

"When I finally met your father, he resented me. He couldn't take the thought of a peasant being his mated."

"Really?" Alice looked at her mother in disbelief.

"Yes, he said things like "filthy peasant" and "it must be a mistake". He was quit a spoilt young prince," the queen laughed.

"I'd soon moved into the castle, to get to know the prince better, but he kept ignoring me, and refusing to spend time with me."

Alice couldn't imagine this. Her mother and father had always been very loving towards each other, ever since she can remember.

"How did you get him to like you? Did he end up spending time with you?"

"No, but I tried everything. For months on end, I spent time learning, how to walk, eat and dance the way the rich did." Remising in the memory her moths eyes sparkled.

"It all didn't help, your father didn't care. So I decided to stop trying to be someone I wasn't. I stopped all of my classes and started working in the gardens with the maids. It was what I was good at. Planting, digging, watering, everything I knew from the farm lands. Weeks had gone by again, and you father had just come back from a duel, when he finally spoke to me."

Alice rested her face on her hands and leaned in fascinated by the story.
"What did he say?"

"He didn't really say much, but he watched me for a while before hesitantly asking if I knew what a certain flower was called. To my surprise he meant a pansy. It was his favorite and so far no one could tell him the name of it. I ended up telling him a legend about it, and he listened."

Her mother finished her tea before adding, "after that he just left without saying anything else." She laughed at the thought.

"Soon he came by more often to watch me water the plants and by the time fall had almost ended we spoke more regularly. And that's how we got to know each other."

"What a weird story," Alice grinned, "kind of like a fairytale."

"I'd agree. You see, sometimes we have to wait until a mates bond works the way we'd expect it to. Its not unusual, to have to work for something you want." Her mother smiled.

Soon both woman were engulfed by sleepiness, due to the warm tea and the comforting surrounding.

Before Alice went back to her chambers her mother gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Pondering on what her mother had told her, the two knights guarding her room noticed her immediately.

"Dorn," Theodores eyes traced her. "I wish to speak with you alone."

"But, your highness," Emeric started to argue.

"It's alright, Emeric, have more faith in me," she smiled at him. It was easy to keep the two apart as Theodore was a whole lot taller than Emeric.

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