Chapter 20

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The girl and the boy looked at each other in dreaded silence

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The girl and the boy looked at each other in dreaded silence. "So, what is a spoilt princess like yourself doing here." the boy snarled startling the girl. "I didn't have a choice! They took me and now they are forcing me to betray my family." She felt offended by the boy. "Oh, please save me the tears... you know nothing about pain. I have been here my whole life." The little girl's heart clenched she could only imagine the boy's heartache. "You have been here your whole life?" Jace scoffed leaning back to his makeshift crumbling bed. "yes dear 'princess'." The little girl nodded and turned around looking at her hands.

Was this going to be her whole life now? Killing... Her hands are ruined now. Never to be clean again. Even her brothers are now more pure than her now. They have just started training... they have only started living in the dark world. But the girls life is now embedded in the dark world never to be pulled out again.

Tainted hands

"sorry." She looked up unexpectedly with wide eyes. "You're new here and you're just scared." Angelina tried her best to force a smile. "sorry if I am annoying... I-I." she regained her freaked breathes. For the first time, she has to depend on herself to make her lungs better. "You alright?" She nodded weakly and started to place old blankets on the ground for a bed. "Don't sleep on the floor!  last time a girl slept on the floor she had rat poo all over her. Next week she died from some ilness. My guess was the rats." Angelina jumped from the ground. Looking around with harsh breathes. "just sleep up here with me we can share the bed." Angelina smiled gratefully and went under the blankets enjoying the warmth of another person.

"When do you think he will let me go?" The silence answered her question. Even if he let her go home.. she will never be free. she would always be a victim of him. Tears were emerging but she promised herself not to cry. She needed to be strong...

She needed to survive.

"so, who is Jace?" I nearly spat my water out. Around the dining table, everyone looked at me with curious gazes. My brothers including great grandfather and papa was death staring at me. "So, who is this boy? The twins informed us of a boy." I calmly put my glass down "Jace is a friend." I cut my chicken thinly keeping a calm composure. "Rebecca said that you guys looked close." I put my fork down and glared at Juan. "what's wrong with that." I spat letting coldness flood my words. This was one of my fears of Jace moving to my school. My family would have questions seeing us together. "the rules state that you are not to date or befriend or even associate with males." I clasped my hands together and gave my father a frightful look.

"Well, father I do hope my brothers have the same rule referring to women. Jace is my friend and he will remain that way always. If you have issues with that then I suggest you speak to a therapist. Because if you do anything to him even harm a single stupid pink hair on his head I will-." I stopped myself speaking remembering who I was talking too. It was like my mind had switched off and Sparrow had taken over my brain. I couldn't help it... Jace was my best friend, my brother. "Angelina I would watch very carefully who you talk too. I am your father in case you have forgotten. I need respect." I scowled in my seat wanting to say more but I didn't want my anger to take over.

Tainted handsWhere stories live. Discover now