18 - Jack

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Requested By: MissCookieButter


My turn was next and I was so excited, it meant that I could go back to my ship and sleep very soon. "(Y/n)-Ya stop moving around" I looked over at Law who was trying to drink his coffee but since I was moving around the hot coffee almost spilled. "Sorry Law! I'm up next isn't that great!?"

"So, you'll be out of my hair very soon (Y/n)-Ya? I can only handle being annoyed by you for so long" I stuck my tongue out at him before I heard my number being called. "Eighteen?"

"That's me!"

"Oh (Y/n), your partner is waiting outside since he couldn't fit in the house. Consider yourself lucky that he's your partner" That was weird but as I started walking towards the front door, I began to wonder who my partner might be, there wasn't too many giants that came to my mind so I'd have to wait to see who it was.

"Hello?" I called out trying to find my partner but soon enough I came face-to-face with someone I didn't expect to see in a place like this. "Jack, what are you doing here?" This man was someone who you didn't want to piss off, he didn't earn his billion Beri bounty without leaving countless corpses in his wake. "(Y/n) been awhile so, you're my partner for this? I'm been waiting hours I was about to crush this house to pieces but since you're here that wouldn't be necessary anymore"

That caused me some worry as I knew how ruthless and cold Jack could be when he needed to wait or he didn't get his way. "Please don't kill me!" As I threw my arms into the air Jack started to laugh but soon stopped as he plucked me out the ground and held me in his hands. "I have no intentions on killing you (Y/n) since you ate the Shrink-Shrink devil fruit why don't you match my size, make things easier for me?"

"Yes Sir!" I didn't want to die today so quick altered my size so I was now just a few feet shorted then him. "Are you scared of me (Y/n)?"

"Of course, I am! ... Sorry I didn't mean to yell at you!" When Jack's hand wrapped around my own, I panicked by when he only pulled me into his lap I relaxed slightly. "Calm down (Y/n) if I wanted you dead, I would have done it while you were sleeping on the deck of your ship earlier today"

"How do you know that kind of information? We didn't even dock on the island until just before the party started" Jack didn't give me a response but he did remove him mask and I was able to see his sharp fish-man teeth that could easily tear my head off. "Sharp teeth, you don't intent to eat me right Jack?"

"Hahahah! I don't think you'd be very tasty (Y/n)" Great now the man was joking around with me and how does he know I wouldn't be tasty! "How do you know I wouldn't taste good!?" That was a big mistake and I realized it when the man started to get closer to my face. I shut my eyes in fear but when something wet ran up my cheek I knew that he had licked me, he was probably tasting me.

"Hm? You do taste good but I don't wish to eat you" I swear if this man was so much stronger than me, I'd kick his ass for torturing me! "Alright (Y/n) enough fooling around! We're wasted too much time already!"

"I highly doubt anyone inside will be coming to rescue me after the seven minutes are up" Jack started to kiss me and that was something I didn't expect from a man like himself but as long as his teeth didn't bite me, I'd be fine. As he continued kissing me, I noticed that he was being gentle almost like he was afraid to be too rough. We heard a small cough behind us as someone from within the house actually had the courage to interrupt Jack's fun.

"What the hell do you want! Leave before I kill you!" There was the Jack I knew but in his fit of rage he squeezed my arm a little too tightly and I let out a small whimper of pain. "(Y/n) was wrong?" When he noticed his arm was still squeezing mine his released it before he moved away from me. "Are you okay (Y/n)?"

"Yeah don't worry about it. Guess that means your times up Jack... if your okay with that!" While I really wanted to go back to my ship and sleep, I didn't want to offend Jack by just leaving him there. "Where are you going in such a rush?"

"I wanted to go to bed, it's been a long night"

"Don't be foolish (Y/n) you can sleep on my ship" He didn't give me time to react as he held a piece of sea stone to my wrist that caused me to shrink to my normal size before he picked me up and started walking back to his ship. "Did you plan to kidnap whoever happened to be your partner or am I just special?"

"Your just special (Y/n). Don't worry you'll be perfectly safe with me~"



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