4: Today Was A Fairytale

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When we arrived at the place we would be staying at for the next two nights, William took my bags to one room and his to another.

"We're staying in separate rooms?" I asked curiously.

"It's bad luck to sleep in the same bed the night before your wedding" he explained.

"That's a myth babe" I joked mocking his words.

"Oh yeah? Can I see your dress then?" He smirked at me.

"Fine then, have it your way" I playfully turned away and headed to sort out my things leaving an amused William to do the same in his own room.

That night we ate dinner we ordered in while watching a movie. I had tried my best to stay awake but ended up falling asleep on William's shoulder. I didn't even know I was being carried to bed until I felt myself hit the bed. My eyes fluttered open to see William pulling the blanket over me.

"Thank you" I said softly running my hand along his arm.

"Get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow" he smiled at me.

"Sure thing husband" I let my hand rest against his cheek.

He placed a quick kiss to my forehead and before I knew it he was out the door and I was quickly falling back into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, William was gone. Despite setting an alarm for early in the morning, I still missed him. I walked to the kitchen where I found a note laying on the counter.

"Get ready and meet me at this address at ten. Can't wait to see you, love William" I read aloud smiling to myself.

I quickly got ready, setting aim on my hair and makeup first. I opted for a down and loosely curled style with the sides pinned back and a neutral, natural makeup look.

I smoothed out the nice white dress Kara and I had picked out just the day before. Taking a look in the mirror and deciding it looked good enough I headed to the car.

I was glad we had decided to drive the two hours the night before and stayed the night. Nothing about us getting married was traditional so the fact that we could make a tradition as little as not seeing each other before the wedding work felt nice.

Since we decided on no one knowing anything and it just being the two of us, the person marrying us and the two witnesses they would provide, I knew it was going to be intimate. Now that I was driving, I was starting to get nervous.

William had given me only address of where we were going to be getting married so I still had no idea where I was even driving to. I half expected it to be a small courthouse or something but was pleasantly surprised to find it was a park.

William had definitely picked a beautiful spot to get married. I texted him when I was pulling in and as I parked he walked to the parking lot and to my car.

He helped open the car door for me and a smile fell on my lips as I saw him. I had to give it to him, he was handsome as hell in his suit for the wedding.

"You look..." he trailed off looking me up and down. "My god, you look stunning"

"Really?" I asked shocked. I thought I looked rather plain.

"You look unbelievably beautiful" he smiled giving my cheek a quick kiss.

"Thank you, you look so handsome" I ran my hand along his collar.

"Thanks, I hope you don't mind I got a photographer. I figured we may as well have some pictures of our wedding" he chuckled softly.

"I love it" I smiled at him sincerely.

"Let's go get married" he grinned taking my hand.

"Lead the way" I gripped his hand a little.

I introduced myself to the person who would be marrying us before settling in to start the ceremony. With everything being so last minute and us being kind of crazy busy beforehand, we went with a basic ceremony. Basic readings, basic vows and a simple candle lighting ceremony, so I was shocked when William spoke up after lighting the candle.

"Can I just add one thing?" He looked at the officiant who was giving him a nod.

"William?" I asked confused.

"Most girls hope for a fairytale wedding. I know none of this is your first choice. The location, the circumstances, the ceremony...me. But you know I love you, and I always will. You deserve the world and I'm sorry I can't give it to you, but I can give you this" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box opening it and turning it out for me to see the diamond ring inside.

"Oh my god" I was taken aback slightly. I had never in a million years expected what was happening.

"If you don't like it I can take it back, we can pick something else out together" he started before I cut him off.

"It's perfect. Everything was perfect. You're perfect" I held back tears. "I don't need a big fancy wedding, as far as I'm concerned this is my fairytale wedding" I smiled at him.

I knew this wasn't a typical wedding, but in that moment everything did feel perfect. I had just married my best friend. My best friend that had been willing to give up basically his whole life to marry me just because it would hopefully keep my mother from tearing me down every chance she got.

He really was perfect.

"Well then" the officiant started pulling both of our attention away from each other. "You may now kiss the bride"

"Can I?" William chuckled almost nervously.

"Of course you can...husband" I smiled at him before he leaned down and caught my lips with the most gentle kiss I've ever experienced.

"I didn't get you a ring" I breathed a laugh when he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I don't need a ring, I've got my diamond right here" he laughed.

"Smooth" I joked pulling him in for a hug.

He wasn't the husband I thought I'd end up with, but as husbands went he was pretty perfect. When I had heard marrying your best friend was it's own form of heaven, I never thought that there would be a circumstance where I would marry my best friend without being in love with my best friend. Nevertheless, I think we had done pretty well.

We could totally make this work.

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