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| Allie |

I didn't believe it.

Didn't believe for a second what happened yesterday. Maybe it was a dream, real bad one.

A never ending one.

A nightmare that I was stuck in. There was no way out, all the doors shuttered close. Living in disbelief is the most hopeless place a person can be .

Disbelief was more dreadful than being hopeless.

I was laying on bed from the past one hour, staring at nothing particular. Closing my eyes, the unshed tear found its way and slipped down . .disappearing into the pillow.

I used to laugh at girls who cried over a boy . I used to make fun of them for being a fool and now . . .how tables have turned.

It is clouded for me..

Was he right?

Was my heart really clouded for him? Did I not believe that Dennis had changed ? For me?

Did I not believe that I had as much impact on his life as he had over mine?


I was searching my soul. .looking around , trying to find answer and I had to be honest with myself . With him.

With us.

I had to be honest that from the very beginning I questioned his every move. Eyeing him with doubt. Slandering his clear intentions .

But wouldn't any girl on my place do the same exact thing? Doubt him? A Casanova suddenly crossed paths with me and his world changed?

But then. .

All he ever did was love me. .

Tirelessly love me.

I chewed my bottom lip, trying not cry this time and actually think with a cool detached head.

Sitting up, I tied my hair into a bun, wiping my face clean and ready to dissect my heart.

Clouded. He called my heart clouded.

What did he mean by that?

The doubts , the shadows that lurk in your heart for him...

My heart whispered and-

Someone knocked on my door.

Sniffling, I arranged my face into a normal one. Pasting a i-am-happy smile. The fakest smile I could conjure that instant.

"Come in."

The door opened up all the way and in walked-

"Gloria?! Mia?!"

"Well your future husband calls me Glow." She smirked as Mia shut the door behind her .

Gloria stood in the middle of my room, looking around .

"Not bad. It's decent enough to deserve my presence." She said clearly to herself .

I was so used to her diva like persona, it didn't even matter know.

Mia came towards the bed, towards me with a weak smile. I made space for her to sit and she sat right in front of me.

"How's it going?" She asked softly, placing her hand on mine, squeezing it a little.

I smiled because if anyone has a genuine friend like her, the world was a happy place to be in.

"You shouldn't ask a girl with broken heart how it's going, darling. " Gloria dumped her bag on the bed as she joined us on the bed , elegantly tucking her legs under her. .the gold chain over a white t shirt catching my eyes.

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat