
74 9 41

Weird fact about you

Agh I can never think of these when I get asked themmm.

Oh! I sung Christmas carols on Halloween.

Favorite food

German pretzels.

First fandom

The Dark Crystal or Wings of Fire, I can't remember XD

Best friends

learnerslibrary  EdnaSky Lightning_Nova ActiveArtist  and some other peoples!

Your current Lock Screen

Your current Lock Screen

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Favorite OTP


Favorite song

It changes so often XD

Right now it's Tamacun by Rodrigo Y Gabriela.

Why you made your account

One of my friends introduced me to Wattpad!

Favorite character ever

Naia or Amri from the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

AAaaaa I can't decide.

20 of your favorite accounts

*In no particular order*

1. learnerslibrary

2. EdnaSky

3. Lightning_Nova

4. ActiveArtist

5. Sproutchild0mosshorn

6. DragonsAtFlight

7. CodingKylietheKitty

8. RajPraveen

9. SilverTheCrab

10. -_Linh-Song_-

11. Pegasusmagic124

12. SilverBeams

13. andromedoo

14. sinhao

15. walruswood

16. eleanor_jacket

17. Nyos_357

18. HeartStar6521

19. Atlantiikk

20. LillaSmolBean

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