Chapter 6

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Okay, maybe not in love. Maybe . . . in like? I'm not sure. I mean, it's too early to tell - I'm jumping into conclusions.

Anyway, the thing about the aforementioned boy that Aunt Cam tried to set me up with is that there just wasn't any 'spark' or I didn't feel anything.

But Nathan, he made me feel. . . something. Something nice and warm and fluttery and happy. I like being with him. I want to be with him.

I want him.

I don't know.

But I like him.

I don't know.

I take my pillow from below my head and cover my face.

"Go to sleep, Ryder," I grumble to myself.

That's a problem for another day.


I dream of glittering blue oceans, chatoyant emeralds and soft orange hair in the lazy afternoon light.


I take my phone out and begin my daily ritual of scrolling through Tumblr. Even though Fernwood doesn't allow phones during school time, I use it anyway and besides, I'm at an abandoned stairwell behind the art storage room. No one would come here, except the janitor but he's fine with me staying here. I should have brought something to eat - I'm starving - but I'd rather starve than go to the crowded cafeteria.

I scroll past some funny posts and reblog some, even though no one will see it anyway. Then, whilst I'm reading a super-long post about worms on a string, I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards the door. At first, I thought it's the janitor, but then I remember that he's having his break now as well. Then, I start to panic. Oh, no. I don't want my phone to be confiscated - although it's only my first time getting caught. My phone is literally my life support.

I quickly hide my phone behind me and pretend to tie my shoelaces. Okay, that's the worst excuse ever - What are you doing here? Oh, I'm just tying my shoelaces, don't mind me, sir - but that's all I can think of right now.

Then a tall muscular figure gently pushes open the door, wearing a black shirt that's a little tight for his chest, jeans and a pair of Vans. The dog tag on his neck catches light in the shabby and dusty stairwell. He sees me and looks just as shocked as I am.

Ryder? I mean, what are the odds?

He looks somewhat embarrassed, but he says, "Hey, Nathan."

"Um, hi, Ryder." I look down.

Ryder gets off the door and sits down near me with his back against the wall. I take my phone and start scrolling again. (Yeah, I know that's rude but I don't know what to do.)

"I got a chicken burger with me. Egg and cheese." He produces an otherwise squashed burger from his pocket. "Want some?"

"No thanks," I say, even though I'm starving. It's not that I think it's poisoned or anything, it's just that I'm too shy to even accept anything from anyone.

"Really?" Ryder says and proceeds to split the burger anyway (including the wrapper) rather messily, so instead of two halves, it's 40% and 60%. He gives me 60% of the burger and starts eating his 40%. Wow, that's so . . . nice of him. I put my phone down and eat my share of the burger.

"I didn't know you'd be the type to break the rules," Ryder says after a while of eating.

I look at him quizzically and he tilts his chin towards my phone, a smile creeping on his lips. Oh, right. Heat seeps into my cheeks and I look down.

Ryder laughs and says, "Not bad." and I feel a little better. Me! Approved by him! A pop kid, of all people! Right now, I feel like I'm at the summit of my high school social status in my whole life.

I feel like I have to talk so I ask him, "So . . . what brings you here?"

"I needed a little break from my friends so I came here. I didn't know you would be here though. Do you come here to tie your shoelaces?"

"No . . ." I reply. I feel my face heating up again, radiating heat like a hot pan. That was so embarrassing, I shouldn't have done that.


"I, uh, come here every day during lunch. To use my, uh, phone and, um, tie my shoelaces too," I fumble.

Ryder grins, but it's not a taunting one, so I relax and smile a little.

"Why don't you use your uh-phone and tie your um-shoelaces in the canteen?" he asks me.

"The canteen is, uh, too crowded."

He nods sympathetically at that. "Uh," he says after a while, "are you coming again to my place later?"

"Sorry, I can't today. My family and I are going out later, " I say. It's the obligatory 'Go Out With Your Family Day' kind of thing.

Ryder looks crestfallen for a second but he resumes his nonchalant look almost immediately.

"I can go tomorrow, though," I tell him, and his face instantly lights up. It's almost like he actually wants to be around me.

"Cool! What time will you be coming?"

"I can probably come around . . . 1 pm? Is that too early?"

"Nah. It's good." He smiles at me.

We talk some more until the bell rings, then Ryder pulls me up and helps me throw my burger wrapper.

By the time we reach our classroom, my cheeks are hurting from smiling too much and my throat is slightly dry from talking too much.

Hi yall sorry for the kinda late update I had to do some stuff
Anyways hope you folks enjoy this somewhat short chapter
Feel free to comment and vote if you liked it!
Stay safe yall 💕

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