•Chapter Ten• 'Don't leave.'

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Kimberly's pov-

A strange feeling of nervousness, washed over me as I stepped passed Luca and into his office. The sound of the door closing behind us, made me jump.

My soft footsteps trotting along the dark wooden floor, could be heard as I walked further into the large room. A black desk was in the centre, surprisingly everything on it, was alined neatly. A few tall plants where in some corners of the room and long glass window at the back, giving a beautiful view of the open blue sky. One side of the room was a full book wall, making my eyes widen in surprise.

"You read?" I asked, making my way over to the books. A little dust fell from them as my finger tips skimmed over them, letting me know that they hadn't been read in a while.

"Not often" His deep voice filled the room. My back was still to him, but I turned my head slightly to see him still stood by the closed door. He was wearing a pair of black sweats and light grey v-neck tee. It was strange to see him so casually dressed, but I wasn't complaining about the fact it gave me a clear view of his two sleeve tattoos and very toned biceps.

"Why are you here, Kimberly?"

Quickly wetting my lips, I turned to face him before opening my mouth to speak. "To see how you are, you kind of left me-"

"Horny?" He cut me off making my words get stuck in my throat, my eyes widened at his statement and I could feel my face heating up, most likely turning as red as a tomato. Quickly clearing my throat, I picked at my brain for something to say.

But the word, "Luca!" was the only thing I could get out. I shook my head and looked back up at him to see a smirk evident on his annoying face. "I was going to say, in the dark. But whatever floats your boat" I rolled my eyes.

He folded his arms across his chest. "In the dark, how?"

"Well" I started as I pulled one of the books from the shelf and ran my eyes across the cover. "You ask for my help, then don't show up for two days"

"I've been busy" He bluntly said, while plopping down on the seat by his desk. He began looking through the piles of paper on his desk, almost like I wasn't there.

"Ok..." Taking that as a hint to leave, my feet made there way towards the door. But his voice stopped me, my hand resting on the door handle.

"Wait" I heard a loud sigh leave his mouth. "Don't... don't leave"

My shoulders relaxed as I let go of the handle and turned on my heel. "Tell me if I'm wasting my time Luca, because I am not the type to be played around with" I told him, folding my arms across my chest.

I watched as his eyebrows furrowed. "I don't mean to be blunt with you" He told me, I let my arms fall back at my sides as I walked over to him, plopping down in the seat on the opposite side of his desk.

"Talking. Opening up, whatever the fuck you call it. It's not my thing" He admitted, but my eyes fell to his body as he leant back in his seat to stretch, the hem of his shirt raised. His defined v-line could be seen and his sweats hanging dangerously low.
A breath I didn't realise I was holding, left my lips as he stopped stretching, which made his shirt return back to normal.

"I don't think opening up is anyone's 'thing'..." The words I spoke, instantly caught Luca's attention.

"Vulnerability, weakness. It's not something people go around showing" I continued, watching as his eyes flickered from me and down to his desk.

A sudden knock on the door startled me, Luca didn't even have time to say anything before it was pushed open and a rough voice spoke. "Boss"

"What the fuck Antonio, get out" He snapped, but the voice of the face I hadn't turned to see, only spoke up again.

"I apologise but shit has hit the pan. Russians have invaded the club downtown, two of our men are already down. There's a fuck load of them, bullets firing left right and centre-

"Fuck." Luca almost growled. "Go, I will follow" Luca shot up from his seat, pulling a black gun from his desk. My eyes widened at the sight, shocked to see a weapon like that up close. Without sparing me a glance, he picked up his phone. "Due macchine, adesso"  [Two cars, now.]

"L-Luca what's going on" I stuttered, my legs shaking as I stood up.

His eyes met mine and for a moment, I swear I could see a hint of guilt wash over his face. Did he feel bad for allowing me to see the gun, to hear what was going on? Was the fear I was feeling on the inside, just as clear on my face?

"My driver will take you home" And with that he skimmed past me, leaving me gob smacked.

A pit of fear drowned my insides, not only because my innocent eyes have just seen a gun you could only see in the movies, but also because I was scared for Luca...what if he gets hurt?

"Miss Folin" A voice made me jump, a grey haired and very tall, lanky man stood in the door way. "I'm here to take you home"

I only nodded, following him out of the office.



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