chapter one

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The dark-haired boy woke up to find himself in a elevator-like box, and he felt it going upwards. His eyes glanced to the ceiling of the box, seeing a mess of wires. He pounded on the metal doors, screaming for someone to come help him. He had no sense of time, it could have been 30 minutes or 10. 

Suddenly, the Box came to a sudden halt, causing him to fly backwards. As he tried to orient himself, he heard voices. They seemed to belong to teenagers, being slightly deeper. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he was guessing it was about him.  But how did he know this stuff? Thomas couldn't remember anything from his past-wait. How did he know his name? How did he know what an elevator looked like, but not from memory. He knew that the elevator was going up, but not his parents. This was too much. Thomas decided to wait until he got out of this thing. Maybe someone could help him. The top of the box opened, turning out to be a door without him knowing. 

"Hey, greenie!" A gruff, unfriendly voice called. He glared at the group, trying to find the speaker. "How's it going, shuckface? Had a nice ride?" He felt like he was an animal in a zoo, everyone looking at him and murmuring to others. Some of them were laughing like this was normal. Thomas didn't know what normal was, but it was definitely not this. The voice came again, but this time Thomas could see the speaker. It was a blonde-haired boy with weird eyebrows. He was wearing a dark blue shirt. He gazed down at Thomas, his blue eyes scanning the Box as well. He didn't look surprised at Thomas' arrival. 'Where am I?'

Thomas wanted to punch them right of his smug face. But that wasn't gonna work out, since it was about 50 boys to 1. 

Another boy stepped, forward, with dirty blonde hair and a light-colored shirt. He reached out his slender hand and Thomas gladly took it. He looked kind. "Stop buggin around, Alby's not gonna be happy," he muttered while still looking at Thomas. As the boy studied him, Thomas looked at himself for the first time too. He was wearing a faded blue shirt and cargo pants, which he was grateful for. He wasn't about to come here naked. 

The boy helped him out and dusted him off. "Welcome to the Glade, greenie." the boy said with the most British accent Thomas had ever heard, well maybe he did in his past, but that's not the point. 

Thomas looked around the place. It was a square courtyard with 4 gigantic concrete walls bearing over them. As his eyes darted from corner to corner, taking in the sight, the British boy spoke again. "So, this is the Glade," he said, looking at Thomas waiting for a response. Thomas finally turned to face the boy. He was now leaning against a tree, away from the scorching sun, his arms crossed against his chest. The other boys had gone back to doing whatever they were doing, leaving him and this boy. He didn't know how to feel about that.

"What is this place?" Thomas inquired, studying his face. "Didn't I just tell you, shuckface?" he chuckled to reveal white teeth. Thomas could tell he didn't mean it in a mean way, like the other boy. "The Glade." He spoke slower like Thomas was a toddler. He stroked a hand through his dirty blond hair, but it did nothing to keep it from coming in his eyes.

Thomas rolled his eyes, then walked over to the tree where the boy was, eyeing him the whole way. He opened his mouth to ask more questions when a plump boy with brown curls and glasses came over to him. Thomas wondered where he got glasses in this place. Was there a shop? He pushed those non-important thoughts out of his head when the boy spoke. "Hi! What's your name?" He sounded so bubbly that Thomas almost smiled. But for all he knew, this could be a prison for the people that did bad things in their life. This could be a place evil people kept their hostages. He looked back at the boy over his shoulder, who was in the same position, looking at the scene. Thomas turned back to the boy.

"er, Thomas." "Mines Chuck smiled and gestured for him to follow. Thomas had a feeling he would like this kid.

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