chapter four

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After dinner, Chuck found him again from the crowd of boys, and the two made their way to a large oak tree with a few sleeping bags scattered around messily.  Chuck led him to his, a neon orange color that made Thomas cringe and smile inside. The color really fit Chuck.  Right then, Thomas made a promise to himself. If he never got out of this place, he would find a way to make Chuck. This boy didn't deserve this. None of them did.
The boy gave Thomas his options and let him pick one. He picked a light colored one, like Newt's shirt today.
Wait what? Newt's shirt?
Maybe everyone remembers little things about their friends.Thomas didn't know normal from weird, so he went with that. But is that really the truth? Thomas would never have the guts to ask anyone that, even Chuck.
As Thomas got settled in his sleeping bag, he remembered Newt's words.  He slept in the left-hand corner of the Glade, and pointed Thomas in the right direction. Should he go see him tonight?  It was his first day. Newt probably dealt with worse. With that thought, he turned on his side and tried to wait until Chuck's snoring was not heard. He would see Newt.

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