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Luke slipped both of his hands into his pockets as he leaned on the door of Ewatomi's class. The noisy class had gone silent but Ewatomi still didn't notice.

She kept tracing her hand over Lune's handwriting that was sprawled all over the jotter. Her eyes were lowered and she obviously wasn't in a good mood.

Ewatomi traced her hand over Lune's handwriting as she placed her chin on her table, her eyes downcast. She didn't know  what Luke would do even if Fikayo ended up telling him.

She quietly prayed that Luke wouldn't turn a blind eye to it like the rest. She was different. How so different?  She really didn't know.

Luke of course meant a big deal to her but she didn't know if she meant a big deal to him. Infact, she was sure she meant nothing to him. Maybe just a junior he helped. The thought made Ewatomi cringe and she swallowed her saliva while adjusting her chin.

She soon noticed that the class was very, very, very quiet. She raised her head as she looked around the class. They all seemed to be looking at her and at someone.

Ewatomi turned and froze immediately not wanting to believe her eyes. Was that Luke?
She shot out of her seat shocked and surprised. Her mouth opened on its o n before she could even process what was happening.

"Snr Luke?" Ewatomi called as Luke fixed his eyes on her. He removed one of his hands from his pockets and signaled for her to come.

Whether Ewatomi understood the signal or not, her body moved on its own as she grabbed the jotter and walked towards him. Her heart probably stopped pumping blood when Luke took her hand in his and started leading her outside.

Ewatomi was sure that she died that very second.

Luke pulled Ewatomi with him as they walked down the staircase ignoring the students staring at them as they walked.

He walked towards the garden and to his usual spot before releasing her hand and seating down. He collected the jotter from her before digging into his pockets and bringing out his black pen.

He leaned on his back as he concentrated on marking the assignments he gave her. Ewatomi watched as Luke marked the assignments he gave her. Circling the places she had made mistakes and marking a few.

"I told you to give me back this morning, why didn't you bring it to my class?" Luke asked as Ewatomi swallowed her saliva.

"The teacher came early" Ewatomi replied and Luke's lips curved upwards slightly.

"Its break time, why didn't you come to my class to give me or the cafeteria? Seeing the way you kept your eyes on the book, you certainly didn't forget" Luke asked again and Ewatomi swallowed her saliva and tried to come up with a perfect lie.

"Just in case you know, I hate a lot of things but on top of the list is liars and hyprocites" Luke added and Ewatomi froze as she turned to Luke who continued scribbling in the jotter as he didn't say anything important.

"Snr Shade told me not to" Ewatomi blurted out as she carefully watched Luke's expression which didn't fluctuate in the slighest.

"I apologize on her behalf. She might be overbearing sometimes. Don't take her words to heart" Luke said as he turned to face Ewatomi.

Both stared at each other without a word. Luke could see his clear reflection in Ewatomi's eyes and as the latter could see hers in his eyes.

Ewatomi dropped her head as she played with her fingers. "Its nothing actually, I was just surprised she went to that extent" Ewatomi said in a small voice.

"Seems like she goes nuts when it comes to you" Ewatomi said in a whisper but Luke heard.

"Do you like her?" Ewatomi asked as she raised her head to face Luke.

"Shade is pretty, she's intelligent and brilliant, she's hardworking. She can be a adorable and funny. She's a nice person as well" Luke replied as he turned to Ewatomi who had a slight pale face.

"But she's not for me as I am not for her" Luke added as Ewatomi sighed.

"She really is" Ewatomi said as Luke showed her his jotter.

"Note your mistakes and make your corrections" Luke said as Ewatomi collected the jotter and scanned through it awed once again at the beautiful handwriting that spread across the book.

"You have a really nice handwriting" Ewatomi said with a small smile and Luke chuckled.

"Really?" He asked and Ewatomi nodded as her stomach growled. They both froze before her stomach growled again.

She was hungry.

Ewatomi turned red with embarrassment as she tried not to glance at Luke's expression. She was about to give an explanation when her stomach growled again.

Ewatomi froze when a sweet melody drifted into her ears. She turned to see Luke laughing heartily. Wait, Luke was laughing? Adele-Akinniyi Luke was laughing?

Ewatomi had never heard such a beautiful laugh in her entire life. She forgot her embarrassment at that moment and stared at Luke unbashed.


That was the first word that came to Ewatomi's mind as she stared at Luke. The latter laughed without any restraint before he managed to stop but his twinkling eyes told Ewatomi he wasn't done laughing yet.

"Just how hungry are you?" Luke asked as Ewatomi pouted as embarrassment washed over her.

"I forgot to eat in the morning and now..... " Ewatomi replied as Luke laughed again as he stood up.

"Let's go" Luke said as Ewatomi also stood up.

"Where are we going?" Ewatomi asked.

"Spice City" Luke replied as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

Spice City was a huge restaurant in Akure. Popular for its amazing food which was surprisingly cheap. Spice City was in the middle of about four secondary schools so a lot of students frequented the place.

"I don't have a permit" Ewatomi said as Luke smiled.

"So?" Luke asked as he removed one of his hands from his pockets and grabbed Ewatomi's hands as they walked out of the garden.

"What do you have after break?" Luke asked.

"Free period"


BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now