Break up

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked to school to see Ban, King, Diane, Gowther, Merlin and Escanor talk. No Meliodas. He didn't walk me to school either.

This is really strange.

Suddenly, I saw Meliodas behind a tree and I immediately walked towards him, but he walked away as he noticed I was walking towards him.

I continued to follow him, but he walked away the whole time. Was he avoiding me?

I gave up for now and walked to the sins.

"Hey, Meliodas is acting strange, have you noticed too?" I asked. They nodded.

"His reputation for being the worst in the school is back. It didn't really vanish before, but it is even worse now. The ekards is even worse now then before." Diane said. I nodded. I didn't need to he scared of them before because I was with Meliodas, but now... I have no idea. I am actually scared.

The bell rang and we all walked to class. I was walking a bit after the others, thinking about Meliodas.

My thoughts of Meliodas was cut off when I was pinned to the wall. I looked at Meliodas, ready to scold him, but he was first to speak.

"I'm really sorry Elizabeth and I really don't want to do this, but... I'm breaking up with you." Meliodas said and let go of me.

"W-what?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.

"Please, don't come near me. I will explain everything sometime." He said and walked away, leaving me crying.

I didn't care about to go to class anymore. I just cried.

When the brake come, Diane was the first to find me crying.

"Elizabeth?! What happened to you?!" She asked. Crying, I answered "M-Meliodas b-broke up with me."

"What?! He is gonna get it! Prince or not! No one is hurting my friends at any costs!" Diane said and helped me up.

"N-no D-Diane, let h-him be." I said and hugged her, continued to cry. The rest of the day, I cried at home.

The next day, I pretended that everything was fine, except to my friends that knew what happened.

Two days later, a rumour of me and Meliodas braking up was all over the school and boys have started to hang around me. The whole time.

-Meliodas POV-

I miss Elizabeth... It have been two weeks since I broke up with her. Boys is hanging around her and I give them a death glare as soon as I see it happen.

No one is with my Elizabeth and is not getting beaten up of they aren't her friend. Her friend with my permission.

So every day after school, I find the guy that surely have flirted with her and beat him up.

Sometimes, I just want to go up to her and kiss her, but I can't. If I am cough just looking at Elizabeth, then father will send me away.

I was walking to my next class and turned a corner to bump into someone. They fell to the floor. I was about to make me ready to beat someone up when I saw who  it was...


She looked at me shocked and then started crying. I can't stand her crying. I need to do something and fast!

The next thing I knew was that I was crying too and walked closer to hug the one I love the most.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth!" I cried and hugged her. She just cried in her hands while I held her close.

I just want to run away with her. Forever and never let anyone take her away from me.

After about 15 minutes, we both stopped crying and she pushed herself away from me and looked at her feet.

"Why are you here with me? Didn't you want me gone from your life?!" She asked and ran away.

"Elizabeth!" I yelled and was going to run after her, but she was out of sight. I need to find her!

Then the bell rang for break. Great, now it will he even harder to find her.

I started looking for her, but didn't find her anywhere. Then I decided to go outside to see if she was there. She was at the back... with the others.

They all looked angry at me as I walked toward them.

"Leave." I said as I come closer to them. Diane was the first to speak "Why?! So you can break her heart again?! Never!"

"Think I wanted to?! It's not my fault that I was born in a family that have emotionless parents, is it?!" I asked and pushed them away as I walked up to Elizabeth and kneed down to her.

I opened my arms so that she could easily get into my embrace and said "Come here."

She immediately hugged me and cried in my chest as I hugged back, comforting her. She slowly stopped crying and it was first then I noticed that the others had left.

"I'm so sorry that I broke up with you. I really didn't want to, but I had no choice." I explained.

"W-what do you m-mean?" Elizabeth asked and looked at me. I took a deep breath. I'm gonna tell her now.

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